
Jun 13, 2009 04:13

Rating: G
Prompt: #042 - Alien
Claim: The Time War
Table: Here
Spoilers: None
Characters: The Doctor (9)
Summary: Gallifrey was gone.

(Gallifrey is gone.)

The Doctor drifted through space in his TARDIS, alone. Lying on the floor to stare up at the ceiling, feeling the aftershocks of regeneration for days. He didn’t want company. It would have been unbearable.

(Gallifrey is gone.)

The TARDIS was as exhausted as he was, damaged from the final battles and in need of rest. He should land somewhere, let her recharge her energy now there no longer was an Eye of Harmony to power it. He didn’t.

(Gallifrey is gone.)

He lied. He wanted company, craved it, needed it so badly it was tearing him apart. What he didn’t want was any of the company the cosmos had to offer.

His head was empty. There was no one there, no one but him and his ship and all the people who didn’t matter. He closed his eyes and tried to forget.

His head was empty.

(Gallifrey is gone.)

When he spoke the words, they sounded hollow. They were just words, spoken in a language he would never again hear in any voice but his own.

(Gallifrey is gone.)

The TARDIS picked up signals from Earth. It was in trouble. It needed to be saved. He didn’t want to go. There was no point. It wasn’t his business. It wasn’t his planet. It wasn’t his people. For the first time in centuries he knew that he didn’t belong there.

He owed them nothing, and they all looked far too much like Them.

(Gallifrey is gone.)

The signal became annoying, painful, as it resonated in the emptiness inside his head and filled it with something. It wasn’t enough. He acted, in the end, to make it stop, and because he couldn’t make the silence go away.

(Gallifrey is gone.)

It was raining when he arrived. He watched the humans run around with their primitive umbrellas, drive in their primitive cars, talk in their primitive tongue. They looked like him, like Them, but they weren’t. No one was. The skin-deep similarities were no consolation.

Gallifrey was gone. And he despaired in the face of the knowledge that there no longer was any place where he wasn’t an alien.

June 13, 2009

medium: story, fandom: doctor who, table: time war, doctor who era: ninth doctor

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