Faithful Companion

Apr 28, 2009 01:27

Rating: PG-13
Prompt: #076 - Who?
Claim: The Time War
Table: Here
Spoilers: The Next Doctor
Pairing: Fitz Kreiner/Jackson Lake (Fitz/Doctor mentioned)
Summary: Before Jackson Lake meets the Doctor and finds out that he isn't the Doctor after all, he meets Fitz Keiner, who doesn't care so much if he's the real Doctor or not.
Note: On Fitz's part, this is set not long after the EDA Earthworld.

The man calls himself 'the Doctor’. He calls himself a Time Lord. He speaks of sonic screwdrivers and his TARDIS, and his faithful companion, and the first thing Fitz thinks is that this must be an early incarnation of the Doctor, because he doesn’t recognize him. It calms his worries for his friend who is currently running through the city fighting evil, or hunting for sweets, or whatever it is he’s up to this time. Then he remembers that his Doctor doesn’t recognize him either, not really, and when the tall, strange man speaks to him of amnesia and vague nightmares of loss and a great war, he feels fear and reluctant guilt reach for his heart. Not only has the idiot gone and gotten himself killed the moment Fitz turned his back, he’s also had the guts for forget about him again.

So he silently vows to the stupid alien that he will take batter care of him from now on and not let him go anywhere on his own again, ever, and repeats this to himself over and over, until he meets Rosita.

Rosita is the Doctor’s faithful companion, and she has been with him for a week.

Okay. Not his Doctor then. Fitz is relieved.

It brings up the second useful thought since meeting this man: his Doctor can never, ever meet him. If they met, and this truly was an earlier version of the same man, the Doctor might remember all he has forgotten, and then he would lose his mind or worse and it would still be Fitz’s fault. Also, he for his part remembers what happened the last time the Doctor met himself (or thinks he does, at least) and he’d like this planet to keep existing at least long enough for Fitz to be born.

So he decides to keep this Doctor inside and not let him go outside as long as there is any chance of the other Doctor coming this way.

Eventually he starts to doubt that this truly is the Doctor - older, younger or whatever. It’s just a feeling, born from knowing the Doctor better than anyone else. He notices the slightest change, everything that is even the slightest bit off about him, and makes his conclusions.

Also, the TARDIS as a big balloon might have had something to do with it as well.

Still, this man is convinced he’s the Doctor, and why would anyone think that if it wasn’t true? Who would want to be the Doctor, anyway?

Eventually, Fitz decides to find out for sure. So he walks over to where the (possibly fake) Doctor is sitting on the bed and presses both his hands to the broad, unfamiliar chest.

There probably is no excuse for what happens next. The real Doctor would disapprove, but the real Doctor has no idea, because he would never do this in the first place. He wouldn’t even consider doing this. Which is the last proof, if Fitz needed it, that this man can’t be him.

It doesn’t make this look any better. But maybe, Fitz hopes, it also doesn’t make it look much worse.

He also hopes, having introduced himself as an especially faithful companion, he doesn’t cause any problems for Rosita with this.

Fitz doesn’t do this with men often, and from the look on the other man’s face, he doesn’t do this with men at all, usually. But at least he knows where all the parts are and has an understanding of the mechanics, and that is so un-doctoish it’s almost a turn-off. Except he thinks he’s the Doctor and he acts like the Doctor, for God’s sake, and Fitz has to take what he can get because the real Doctor would never ever do this.

For the first time in ages, Fitz doesn’t have to watch whose name he’s calling when he comes.

When he slinks back to the TARDIS hours later, he feels rather guilty.

April 28, 2009

doctor who era: eighth doctor, medium: story, doctor who era: tenth doctor, fandom: doctor who, table: time war

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