
Oct 28, 2007 02:33

Rating: PG
Prompt: #083 - Never
Claim: The Time War
Table: Here
Spoilers: None
Character: Fitz
Summary: Fitz waits, because he has to.

The Doctor drops Fitz on a cold, grey day in the year 2006. He doesn’t say goodbye (doesn’t say anything) and Fitz knows he’ll eventually come back for him. He waits.


Anji helps him get an identity in this time, get a job, get a life. Fitz hates it, but he comforts himself with the thought that soon the Doctor will return and he will leave here forever.

There is a war going on, one the Doctor wants to fight without him. It may take a long time for one side to win but the Doctor has a time machine. Even if he fought for centuries he can return to the exact year he has said goodbye to Fitz (except he hasn’t.)

Months pass and nothing happens. The year passes and another. Fitz isn’t worried. The Doctor is known for missing the time he’s been aiming for by a few years.

He waits.


It never occurs to Fitz that the Doctor could get killed in that war (has been killed, will be killed, might). The Doctor always survives.


He settles into this life and this time. He doesn’t have any close friends. His relationships don’t last.

This isn’t where he belongs.

The Doctor is taking his time.

Fitz keeps waiting. It’s worth it.


There is grey in his hair and Fitz wonders. His life is wasted here when he should be elsewhere. Sometimes he’s angry, sometimes he’s frustrated. The Doctor would come, if he could. He knows this. It’s not a belief.

He also knows that the Doctor can’t be dead. But he begins to worry. He’s been worrying for a very long time.

He wears his TARDIS-key on a chain around his neck all the time.


Anji dies of illness in the year 2037. Fitz goes to her funeral, an old man. The woman that goes with him leaves him one week later, but maybe he leaves her or they never were together in the first place. He’s never moved out of the city. There were several alien invasions in his time, unnoticed or ignored by the rest of the world but Fitz knows, and always he searches in vain.

He gets up every morning in this world that isn’t his and knows it isn’t his, and when it rains he looks out of the window for hours and thinks of Sam and Anji and Trix. He lives his life in the wrong time, on the wrong planet, with the wrong people and sometimes he looks at his reflection in the mirror and wonders where the years have gone.

And he waits.

October 28, 2007

doctor who era: eighth doctor, medium: story, fandom: doctor who, table: time war

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