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Apr 23, 2010 00:48

Rating: G
Prompt: #046 - Star
Claim: The Time War
Table: Here
Spoilers: Vague ones for End of Time.
Character: Fitz Kreiner
Summary: There's a new star in they sky and Fitz won't go there.
Word count: 255

A new star is blooming in the sky. Fitz is no expert for astronomy, but he’s sure it wasn’t there last week. He isn’t sure if it was there even yesterday.

He wonders if another star died in exchange for this new light. To keep some sort of cosmic balance.

The star is notable because it is so bright. It outshines all the other stars, even the Venus above the horizon. Fitz would never have known there was a new one had it not stood out so clearly. A supernova, he guesses - or perhaps something else. Perhaps this is Gallifrey burning, an entire race being wiped out thousands of yeas ago, now nothing but a light in the sky of Earth.

Unlikely as it is, there is comfort in that thought. Fitz is well aware that there shouldn’t be.

He wonders if he should tell the Doctor, but in the end there is nothing to tell about and no one to tell it to. It’s just a supernova making scientists happy, and a stranger with a new face lying on his couch, sleeping off the victory over his own people.

When Fitz goes back inside, there’s not even that. The Doctor is gone from the couch, the TARDIS is gone from the backyard. Fitz isn’t even surprised, and he isn’t yet sure if he’s disappointed.

When he looks to the sky again, the new star is gone as well.

He listens, and listens, and hears the distant sound of traffic going by and nothing else.

April 23, 2010

medium: story, fandom: doctor who, table: time war, doctor who era: ninth doctor

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