San Jacinto Peak via Cactus to Clouds Trail (C2C), 3302 m

Oct 31, 2016 22:46

Cactus to Clouds Trail
San Jacinto Mount is the second highest peak in Southern California. It was named after Hyacinth of Caesarea an early Christian martyr who lived in Cappadocia in first century. There are some trails lead to the summit. One of them is C2C. It starts from Palm Springs, 140 m (470 ft) and finishes at San Jacinto Peak, 3302 m (10,834 ft), gaining 3500 m (11,500 ft) of elevation in 23 km (14.5 mi) one way. It is considered one of the hardest day hikes in United States. It has two main options. First, proper C2C, with total distance about 31 km (20 mi). You hike the summit, then hike back to tram station (it's about one third of one way from summit) and take tram down to Palm Springs. Second, C2C2C (Cactus to Clouds to Cactus) with total distance about 45 km (28 mi). Here you should do full trailhead-to-trailhead hike. We did only C2C.
Our team was consisted of seven brave AHA! members. We hiked on October 16th, 2016.
The trailhead is located close to Palm Springs Art Museum parking lot. We had got there at 9:00 PM and slept for a few hours until 2:00 AM.
Our magnificient seven.

The lower part of the C2C is fragmented. We got confused a little, but after a couple of minutes we found the trail again. The weather was perfect. The fool moon lightened our trail, and we just sometimes needed to turn on headlamps. The air temperature was not so hot. By the way, the optimal months to do C2C are May and October.
Cacti often appeared in the begining of trail.

Night Palm Springs.

We had decided to take 20 minutes breaks after 2 hours of walking.
Astonishing sunrise. Captured during our second break.

In the middle of the trail, our team divided into two teams; one was fast paced, the other was "slow" team. I joined to the fast team.
We made our fourth, the longest break, at the Tram Station. Here, we took one hour long break.
On Wellman Divide, we made fifth the last break.

I can't find the word how much I was tired. But... after 11 and half hours of hiking we finally reached the summit!!!
Your humble servant at the top of San Jacinto. More pictures you can find in my facebook album.

The highest mount of Southern California - San Gorgonio (3506 m), seeing from top of San Jacinto.

Screenshot from Google Earth. Markers are our break points. As I mentioned you can see that we've made five breaks.

Below is the table with details. Hope everything is clear.

Main points
Walking duration
Rest duration

Start point
140 m (460 ft)
0 km

1st break
760 m (2500 ft)
3 km (total 3.0 km)

2nd break
1300 m (4270 ft)
3 km (total 6.0 km)

3rd break
1800 m (5900 ft)
4.8 km (total 10.8 km)

Tram Station, 4th break
2590 m (8490 ft)
3.5 km (total 14.3 km)

Wellman divide, 5th break
2950 m (9730 ft)
4.7 km (total 19.0 km)

3302 m (10834 ft)
3.2 km (total 22.2 km)

Wellman divide
2950 m (9730 ft)
3.2 km (total 25.4 km)

Tram Station, finish point
2590 m (8490 ft)
4.7 km (total 30.1 km)

Total distance 30.1 km (18.7 mi)
Total time 16:30
Walking time 14:00
Rest time 2:30

Total distance is 30.1 km (18.7 miles). Total elevation gain is 3500 meters (11507 ft), total elevation loss 1060 meters (3480 ft). Average slope is 15°, average speed is 2.0 kmph.
The most notable weather hazard is heat. As I wrote, the optimal months to do C2C are May and October. I took with me 4 liters of water. I think it is the minimal amount of water that is required for this hike. You can refill bottles at Tram Station. And don't forget to take sun screening and appropriate food to refuel your body. That's it :)

mountains of california, california

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