In case you're wondering why the sad-face, I just bought myself an upgraded upgraded studio 15 from dell. (I'm still aiming for a mac once I start making money.) With college supplies, costs and a lock for it... Poo poo for me, I have exactly $125.58 left in cash
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Comments 13
And hey if it shows you pictures of Davis, it's all good :)
I liked Windows 7 on my mom's comp, but I don't like the themes because they seem to slow down the computer. That nearly got me to choosing a mac, but the student discounts weren't quite enough to make me comfortable moneywise. I'm gonna figure out a way to get it to show up with simple wallpaper and I'll be cool.
When I do get a mac I want to go for a computer. with the 8 tb hard drive and the 32 gb of memory. I'll figure out how to use it, besides multiple davis's, later. ;)
But dear god that's a lot of TBs! haha I think the iMac only fits 16 gb of RAM. You need a mac pro!
OS X isn't that hard to learn. It's certainly better than Windows IMO. Hands down.
Davis, davis, Davis *pets him all over*
BUT YEAH EET HURTS MAH POCKET.Just thinking about it. 2.5 of what I spent today. BUT THEN THERE'S THAT NICE ARSE DAVIS YOU'RE PETTING THAR. Don't try and hide it! I know how your mind works!(I took that from being human, never mind.) The course of true love never did run smooth, indeed. me/vid editing too.
Mac os? Much prettier too.
I'm happy though. I just figured out how to disable themes. XD
*brofist of solidarity* That's about what I have left. :(
Rock on making porny manips, babe.
I blame them for my money woes. They're just promiscous little things. They've already bourne ten children.
This college thing is the equivalent of a someone running a vacuum over your body to suck out the cash and then that same person holding you upside down by the legs and shaking until every last cent drops out.
BTW that facility would have free food, wouldn't it?
Once I'm doing something profitable- oh you betcha!
Literally though, it would be nicer to have a job and Daavis coming in for 'Physical therapy'.
I know the feeling of poor poor, with my bank account at almost that exact amount, I couldn't afford board and had to promise to pay double later :( I blame JB HI-FI, walking into an electronics and entertainment store with a big sign hanging up that said 'BUY 2 TV ON DVD GET 1 FREE', it was like a moth to a flame. ALthough I finally got Supernatural season 4! And for the low low price of zero dollars and zero cents XD! Thumbs up for porny davis manips btw, very excited with anticipation :)
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