Sign-Ups; It's still July 2nd somewhere in the world

Jul 03, 2015 00:49

I'm late, so I've extended the sign-ups by a day. I had the worst migraine, and thus completely forgot which day it is. Anyway! Here we go~

Sign-up guidelines
01 Please have at least three pairings (romantic or friendship), specifically involving at least one member of V6, in your sign-up. If you don’t, you will be asked nicely to add more. If not, no fic for you. I’d like to make this as easy on everyone who has to write for each other, and as it’s said, variety is the spice of life. Also, please remember that all pairings must have at least one V6 member involved. That being said, if you'd like for it to be a central character based gen fic, please state as such. They will count towards your "pairings", but please make it specific and don't just pick everyone and say you're done with it. Drama characters are allowed.
02 Please refrain from commenting on each other’s sign-ups in the post. People may need to edit their sign-up in the future until commenting is disabled.
03 This post will remain open from July 3, 2015 at 0:50 EST to July 17, 2015 at 23:59 EST, after which the commenting will be disabled and the writing period will begin on July 23, 2015 at 0:00 EST.
04 If you’re unable to be involved in the writing portion of the exchange but would still like to be involved in some way, such as beta-ing or if you’d like and an author is willing, to make a “cover page” for the fic, do let me know through a PM or e-mail.
05 Have fun with your sign-ups and let your imagination take you if you must!
06 Any and all remaining concerns regarding your sign-up should be directed to me either through pm to v6ex_mod or e-mail:

And, without further ado, the sign-up sheet:

Writing journal/community:

Section for fic you will receive
Pairing/Characters/ect.: (This ranges from couplings, friendships, and general main character interactions. As well, please have at least three and specify the type of “ship” you’d prefer with each.)
Content you’d rather live without:

Section for fic you will write
Pairing/Characters/ect. you’re willing to write:
Pairing/Characters/ect. you’re not willing to write:
Content you’d rather live without writing:

Are you available for beta?:
Are you available for pinch-hits?:
Anything else?:

For more information, please see the following pages:
Timeline| Rules| Advertise

Have a super good time!


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