Ultraviolet 1.06 "Persona Non Grata"

Apr 17, 2012 19:22

Ultraviolet 1.06 "Persona Non Grata"

Pearse Harman isn't taking his medication because he's obsessed with the current case, Angie is obsessing over Harman's health, Vaughan is obsessing over Angie as usual, Michael is obsessing over Kirsty's safety, Frances is unhappy about Michael and her leftover feelings, and Kirsty is just plain upset.

So here we go. We start with Vaughan Rice offering up some freshly-donated blood to their Code V prisoner; he expresses his disdain by squishing the plastic container until the blood flows onto the table. Then he smears the blood onto the window of his observation cell. Blech.

Michael gets a cassette tape with a digitally-voiced message from Jacob, naming a time and place for a meeting. Kirsty's in hiding, with Jacob's help. She's antsy and lacking information.

Angie updates the rest of the team--they don't know the identity of the Code V they have in custody, though he's recently (last five or ten years) turned, as evidenced by the scar on his throad from a probable thyroidectomy. Pearse mentions performing an autopsy to find out more. "I think you'll find autopsy is the correct term for dissecting dead tissue."

Angie brings Pearse his medication; he refuses to take it "once this case is put to bed," because he wants to be completely alert. Angie points out that pain can affect judgment.

"I'm a little starved of intellectual stimulation." Mystery Code V and Pearse begin a challenging series of conversations.

"You really think man is capable of making himself extinct?" asks Pearse. The Code V points out that our life spans are nothing compared to theirs. The synthetic blood was meant as a stop-gap measure, but it may be something more...

Pearse isn't impressed with the Code V's concerns for humanity. "You crossed over to save yourself." The Code V throws that charge back at him, since they both have experience with cancer.

Michael stops by Frances's flat; Michael is concerned about Kirsty's safety. Jacob's former boss shows Michael and Frances to the man's former work computer; Frances gets to work on the computer, and Vaughan shows up. Mike acts awkward with Vaughan as they "share" work investigating Jacob Keanault. They checks Jacob's flat; Vaughan spots a file there with information about Michael. They share the videotapes they've found there with Pearse: lots of large fires, other global events.

Meanwhile, Kirsty tries to learn more about Michael and what's going on.

Kirsty: "What is it that you're not telling me?"
Jacob: "Do you trust me?"

She doesn't answer the question; Jacob gazes longingly at her tasty neck and excuses himself. Kirsty gets curious; as she snoops around she notices that the security guard is apparently alone inside car. So she goes to the parking garage, where she instead finds that Jacob is feeding off him. She starts to run, but that doesn't work. Instead she wakes up on the floor. The security guard is oblivious, with no sign of bites on his neck. "You passed out in the basement, what were you doing down there?"

Kirsty is both scared and fascinated as she assimilates the information about what Jacob is... and what this means about Jack. "I've never felt more alive," Jacob tells her. He places blame on Michael for what happened to Jack, and does his own mind games, using guilt to make Kirsty question her initial horrified reaction.

In headquarters, they gas the Code V so that Angie can perform that 'autopsy.' Mystery Code V doesn't stop talking as Angie does her work. He's quite good at the mind games; Angie doesn't reply.

Pearse: "How's the patient?"
Angie: "Still dead."

She believes that the Code V is fading, but advises against Pearse talking to him, in spite of the man's request. "You need to be on top form to deal with their mind games."

Pearse doesn't listen to Angie's advice. Hoyle tells him, "Only you. No guards."

Hoyle (as Pearse enters the room): I'd forgotten what it's like to see myself.
Harman: I don't see a resemblance.

Frances tells Michael about Paul Hoyle and his work at Chernobyl, which led to the thyroid cancer.

Jacob and Michael meet. Jacob lets Michael talk to Kirsty on the phone; by now Kirsty has been persuaded well enough that the Code Vs are still people; she accuses Michael of murdering Jack. Jacob then says he'd never hurt Kirsty, but it's not up to him if she stays safe.

Michael says, "You know how to make black white, don't you."

"A just war," replies Jacob. Then he gets to the point: "We want Robert March."

Here's the part I still have questions about, even after watching all six episodes more than once. Jacob tells Michael, "It takes someone with imagination to put a stop to war." They've had their eye on Michael for a while. I'm curious about why. What's so special about him? (I do think that Michael would make a better asset than Jack Beresford; I'm fairly certain that Jack was turned as a step to get Michael turned, since that seems to matter, but again, why?

Vaughan confronts Pearse about the 'confession.' Forty-five minutes, no surveillance cameras. He's not happy with Harman's uncooperative attitude and goes looking for the audio recordings. He also finds Pearse's medication.

Pearse goes to church and waits for his turn to enter the confessional booth.

Michael goes into the Code V "storage" room and takes something out; he meets with Frances and lets her examine the contents of the thermos. She's not satisfied with Michael's answers and refuses to do the exchange for him. She also tells Michael that she doesn't want to see him (do favors for him) again. After leaving him, she goes to her car, clearly upset about the situation.

Vaughan plays the recording for Angie; it sounds quite damning indeed.

Kirsty asks Jacob about what it's like, not to have a reflection anymore. I'm both fascinated and repulsed by this; partly because I can't imagine giving that up (seeing myself), partly because I'm not sure how much I believe Jacob anyway.

Angie and Vaughan make their way to Hoyle's last workplace and learn that Hoyle used to be a nuclear scientist. They also find Frances when she shows up for an appointment; she turned down Michael but she apparently still wants to know what's going on. Vaughan takes her with them back to headquarters.

Brief exposition with Angie, Vaughan and Pearse; Hoyle's work had to do with nuclear winter. Angie's conclusion: that the Code V are indeed preparing for war. Take over/Eliminate humanity by taking away the sun.

In an interview with Pearse, Frances reveals that Michael had "a chemical." With those words, Angie and Pearse go to their Code V storage facility to find that March's 'tomb' is empty.

Pearse chooses to convince Frances of the importance of the situation by introducing her to Paul Hoyle and then reducing the Code V to a pile of red powder. Pearse's last words to Paul? "Thank you for your interest. I'm spoken for."

Bang, kablooey and then broken glass and a table covered in red powder.

Late-night meeting on the bridge. SO MUCH STUFF HAPPENS in the last quarter of the episode, it's a bit much.

Angie and Vaughan are lurking in a window with weapons, and there are troops on the ground. Michael shows up with a canister, Kirsty is there with Jacob, and then Pearse strolls up.

This causes a standoff: Jacob using Kirsty as a shield, Michael with his gun drawn. Pearse continues talking--it's obvious this is all about Michael and his choices right now.

Michael chooses to save Kirsty for the moment; he holsters his weapon, pulls out the canister and puts it on the ground.

Inside the building, Vaughan wants to fire on Jacob. "Not yet," says Angie. She's watching avidly as Jacob pours the red powder on the ground. Pearse watches with fascination as well. As soon as Angie sees that Code V blood is the key (evidenced by Jacob cutting his own arm to spill that blood), she says, "Do it." But the rifle jams, so Angie pulls out her own gun and shoots Jacob from the window. Too late; Angie does neutralize Jacob, but not until after he's already put his blood in contact with the red powder.

As Michael and Kirsty watch from close range, Jack Beresford takes form again. Quick to spot the occupied window above, he grabs Kirsty (second time in the same night!), tells her, "Get a life," and jumps into the river.

Angie and Vaughan arrive at the bridge along with the armed troops. Vaughan is furious with Michael. Pearse is still in charge, however. "Are you in or out?" he asks him. Michael never answers the question in this scene.

Angie and Vaughan put Robert March's remains back in the correct spot, Pearse takes his first dose of medication.

Michael tells Kirsty, "You can go now."

"Why did you do it?" asks Kirsty.

"I tried everything else," Michael answers. Ouch, these two...

Final scene: Michael walks near the river. Jack shows up, promises to leave Kirsty alone. Michael has his weapon drawn, but Jack is unconcerned. "Let's keep in touch, yeah?"

And we're done. *sigh* A fantastic ending, although I do have lots of questions.

*As already mentioned, why is Michael so important?
*What does Kirsty do with her life now?
*How does this startling revelation impact Frances?
*What impact does Pearse's seeming betrayal have on the team?
*Does Michael continue his work?
*I can't believe I'm asking this (since I wasn't fond of him), but what does Jack do?
*Does the information about regeneration ever get used by our team?
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