I managed to hunt down Teh Squibb today and drag her out to lunch with my mother and I at Bonfire Grill on Grand Ave. The decor there was the typical "lookit us, we're so artsy-fartsy and kRaZy!" Like a bull made of scrap metal hanging from the ceiling (with roller blades and tap shoes for feet! kRaZy!), or a rather worn figurehead with antlers
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Comments 3
First of all, we're going to have to take Jesus to Bonfire to show him the antler lady. I mean, that's American culture right there ;-)
Also, the more dark things I eat the more I get used to it, which probably isn't healthy. For instance: sparkling white wine has given way to dark reds, the occasional latte is now an espresso, and I have a feeling that pretty soon my dessert with consist of plain cacao beans. Maybe I am turning evil. Feel free to intervene when I lock myself away in an old mansion and turn into Vincent Price.
I think the dye you used on your hair in slowly seeping through your scalp and infusing your brain with wicked, wicked thoughts. Repent, child - before it's too late!! :-O
Although it would be kinda fun to hang out in a musty ol' mansion with you. Can we have ravens for "familiars?" :-D
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