...I have the strangest thought processes... I was set out to do more angry America since I was having such a horrid day and I figured I could channel him better... but then I get this instead. ^^;;; Three linearts and a comic.
Title: Tummy
Warnings: Uuber-fluffiness
Summary: England plays with chibi!America's tummy
A/N: ...I really have no idea how I arrived from Angry!America to this. Seriously I don't. I vaguely remember the transition point having to do with America trying to torture England with a feather. ^^;;
D'awwww~ )
Title: Still the Same
Warnings: Nudity, not exactly sexually explicit, but eh...
Summary: America's still ticklish, which does not bode well for England's foot fetish
A/N: So I'm hoping this pic isn't too creepy coming right after the baby one. ^^ (Also, that looks like a really good way to get kicked in the face... not that I'm speaking from experience here... XP)
Stop, STOP! )
Title: Please, I'm a Professional
Warnings: Cross-dressing and possible brain breakage
Summary: England struts his stuff
A/N: ....So once upon a time I made an off-hand joke that England could rock lingerie (and you all already know where this is going). And well... after six consecutive days of not getting my sexy-England fix, this is what you get. ^^;;;; And well, you guys can decide whether or not England can rock lace and satin. XD
America still isn't quite sure how to react )
Title: Environmental Disaster
Warnings: None
Summary: America starts to panic over the oil spill (and with good reason)
A/N: So this is me once again trying to pull some humor into a pretty dismal situation. ^^;
In which America is vain )