It's still Saturday in California! *dies* Huzzah, it's the last Earth Week pic. Although to tell the truth, I kind of cheated with this last one.
Title: Big World v. 2
Warnings: None
Summary: A Happy Earth Week from the gang
A/N: Same thing as the first Big World pic, except this time in COLOR VISION. Yes, so this is what the pic was supposed to look like after I mucked about with it with magic marker. No sharpies involved this time! I promise! Just about 9 hours of labor on the comp. ^^;
Next it'll be in 3D! )
Title: Chibiggy & Co.
Warnings: None
Summary: Chibi Iggy and Chibi America
A/N: Done in colored pencils due to me wanting to kill my comp if I did anymore coloring on it today. I have no idea what kind of circumstances would lead to this occurring, but it's cute, so who cares. ^__^ (ie, it's maaagic)
Hold hands now~ )