haro in usxuk

[MOD POST] Secret Santa Chapter Fics

Dec 22, 2009 06:05

Hello everyone. I hope you're having a good holiday season and enjoying all the amazing fanworks that have been posted here. Just as a reminder, all assignments must be posted by 12/24 at midnight CST. That is to say, you have a little less than seventy-two hours. ;)

On the subject of chapter fics and fancomics:

I have had several people ask me if all chapters of a chapter fic/parts of fancomics need to be posted by the twenty-fourth. My answer was originally yes, but a lot of people have expressed concern, so I decided to allow a small extension for chapter fics/fancomics.

-Please have at least 1/3 of the chapters posted by the twenty-fourth. If you don't, I will assume you are dropping and assign a pinch hitter for your giftee.

-You absolutely MUST have all the chapters posted by the thirty-first at midnight CST, no ifs ands or buts (unless there is some kind of emergency, of course). You're already being granted an extension, so please use your time wisely! If you have started a chapter fic/fancomic, it absolutely must be finished. Giving someone an incomplete gift is very unfair!

-I would like it if anyone who might be taking advantage of this extension could reply to THIS post. Comments are screened. Of course, if you end up completing your gift by 12/24 and don't need the extension after all, that's fine. Nonetheless, if you might use it, go ahead and let me know.

Thank you so much! I will update the archive post later today. So far, 51/151 of you have posted gifts. There are still one hundred gifts to be posted. :)


2009 secret santa fic/art exchange, mod!post

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