haro in usxuk

Posting Format

Dec 01, 2013 01:17

Hello there usxuk Santas! Starting on December 1st (now!) you can start posting up your fic and art.

Please follow the guidelines below for posting!

1. Please post your fill (art/fic) to this community first! If you want to post your fic in your writing journal or on fanfiction.net, ao3, etc. and crosslink to the story there, that's fine as well. Same with if you want to upload your art to another site like deviantart, tumblr, etc. and then link to it from here. Just please post here before linking to the story on the main community/elsewhere. And please do not link to any place that has locked access. We want everyone to be able to enjoy these fanworks!

2. To the writers, please, please, please- make sure to have your story beta-read first! Remember, this is a gift! We (will hopefully) have some wonderful volunteer betas available for contact in THIS POST, or you can use your own beta reader.

3. Please post with the following format:

TITLE: Pretty self-explanatory. Please title your fic or art. Artists you can always just put "1 piece of art" or "1 fancomic" if your piece is untitled.
AUTHOR: This is your name
RECIPIENT: This is to whom you wrote the fic/drew the artwork for.
GENRE: Romance/drama/humor/adventure/whatever works goes here. Fanartists do not need to include this.
PAIRING(S): If USxUK is the ONLY pairing featured in the fanwork, you do not need to include this.
RATINGS/WARNINGS: You all should know how to do ratings. As for warnings, violence, kinks, or anything that might be a trigger to someone, please warn for it!
SUMMARY: You can always list the prompt you were given if you struggle with a summary. This is not necessary for art, although you might still want to put the original prompt here.
NOTES: An optional place to thank beta readers or give any notes on the story/art, etc.

Make sure to tag your post with: 2013 secret santa fic/art exchange, as well as fanfic or fanart depending on what it is. If it has explicit content, also include the mature!sex tag.

4. Please have all gifts posted by December 31st by 11:59pm CST, the minute right before it ticks over into 2014. Please consult the world clock converter for the deadline in your time zone, or just use our handy-dandy countdown.

5. If you haven't already, please go CHECK IN so I can get pinch hitters arranged if needed. Thank you!

6. To everyone else in the community: COMMENT! Anyone can comment to a fanwork, regardless of if you're the recipient or not. We encourage you to comment to any fanwork that you enjoy.

7. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Thank you again so much for participating and I look forward to all kinds of lovely fic and art in the coming weeks! Happy Holidays!


2013 secret santa fic/art exchange, mod!post

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