haro in usxuk


Jul 17, 2012 01:54

Hello everyone! It's time to announce our project for July this year. Since Summer Camp was such a big hit last year, we're going to do it again! Unfortunately since it's a bit later in the summer, it's only going to be a two week event. But that's still fourteen days of USxUK! We hope that as many people as possible participate. It starts on July 22nd and runs for two weeks, ending on August 4th (at which point the writing project will kick off)!

The object of the project is for members to collect camp badges. Badges will be passed out by mods in reply to posts that have earned them. There are several ways in which to earn badges, and there's no limit to the amount of badges you can collect. Members who collect the most badges will be awarded prizes.

We thought it would be a fun way to create themes that are fairly open (and we've been in a big Disney mood ourselves) . Does it mean that your fanwork has to actually be Disney related? Absolutely not. Just take the title of the song and run with it- matching it to your fanwork in some way shape or form. A Whole New World could be America going to the moon, or the dawn of a new era, or yes, if you want to, them riding on a magic carpet together. If you do choose to go with a Disney angle, we're not going to limit you to just depicting that song. A fanart for the Part of Your World theme could be them in a boat ala Kiss the Girl, for example.

I linked to the full lyrics of all of the featured songs, but you do NOT need to use them. You won't get extra badges for using them either. They're more there in case they might provide further inspiration. That being said, you may use ANY lyrics from the song for your fanworks.

How do I earn camp badges?

One Badge Per:
1. Doujinshi scanned- less than thirty-five pages
2. Doujinshi scanlated- less than twenty pages
3. Fan Video (Your creation. Linking to MAD videos does not count.)
4. Significant sized icon/graphics batch (Twenty-five plus icons, Five plus headers/wallpapers/banners, Three plus manga colors)
5. Fanfic of less than one thousand words completed on day’s theme. Fic must be at least five hundred words to qualify for a camp badge.
6. Fanart, black and white or monochromatic, completed on day's theme. Obvious work should be put into this. Please no quick doodles, like mochi in the margin of your notebooks or something you threw together in five minutes in MSPaint.
7. FST (fan soundtrack)
8. Something else? Ask in reply here, and we'll let you know if it qualifies or not.

Two Badges Per:
1. Doujinshi scanned- more than thirty-five pages
2. Doujinshi scanlated- more than twenty pages
3. Fan Video (Your creation. Linking to MAD videos does not count. This is at moderator discretion. A slideshow will not get you two badges, but a personally illustrated or created MAD video will, for example.)
4. Significant sized icon/graphics batch (Fifty plus icons, ten plus wallpapers/banners/headers, six plus manga colors)
5. Fanfic of more than one thousand words completed on day’s theme.
6. Fanart, full color, or fancomic (does not need to be colored) of more than one page, completed on day's theme. Obvious work should be put into these.

Is there anything that can earn more camp badges than that? There's always room for exceptions. If someone writes a 10k fic for a theme, does a lengthy inked comic, personally illustrates an elaborate MAD video, etc., you just may get an extra badge or few. It will be at mod discretion, but we promise we'll be fair with this.

Everything posted must be NEW. It cannot be a fan video you made two months ago, or a doujinshi you posted to hetalia, but have yet to post here. It needs to be unposted material. There is no limit to how much you can post.

For fic writers and artists, we've compiled a list of 14 themes for you to challenge yourselves with! Completing a fanwork for one of these themes will earn you camp badge(s). The catch is that the fanwork must be posted on the day of the theme; i.e. if you write a fic for the 'Whole New World' theme, it has to be posted by the end of July 25th. You can post it on a later day, but it won't earn you any badges. We're showing you the themes in advance so you can get started now! We're not going to be stringent on time zones. As long as it is posted before GMT -11 hours hits midnight, it's good. That's the last time zone to pass into the next day. Here's a world clock to keep track of that.

You may do AS MANY pieces of fic or art for each theme as you wish. Each one will earn one or two badges (or more), depending on the above stipulations. Other badges-earners (i.e. doujinshi scans, icons, fsts, fan videos) outside of fic and art do not need to fit the theme.

I'll be posting at the beginning of each day to remind you what the daily theme is.

Fic/Art Daily Themes:

July 22nd: Adventure is Out There (The Spirit of Adventure)

July 23rd: True Love's Kiss

July 24th: I See the Light

July 25th: A Whole New World

July 26th: If I Didn't Have You

July 27th: Something There

July 28th: Part of Your World

July 29th: Can You Feel the Love Tonight

July 30th: I Won't Say (I'm in Love)

July 31st: I 2 I (Eye to Eye)

August 1st: Someday My Prince Will Come

August 2nd: I'll Make a Man Out of You

August 3rd: Once Upon a Dream

August 4th: Collision of Worlds

Pieces can be any genre, any rating, etc. Fic and art can be either canon or alternate universe for all the themes.

Now as for the prizes!

For summer camp, we will have weekly winners and our overall winners. For example, those earning the most badges during our first week will earn a prize. Then, those who have the most badges overall, at the end of the event, will also receive a prize. This way, if you're going to be on vacation one week you can still at least try for a weekly prize even if you can't make the overall prizes.

We will be awarding at least the top three overall. Weekly prizes will depend on how many people participate each week. If there is a tie, we will draw for the winner.

There will be a selection of prizes to pick from. First place winner gets to pick a prize first, then second, then third.


ANYONE can enter this. I'll be setting up a post, and you must comment if you wish to be a part of it. A name will be picked at random (of course), and that person will be allowed to choose a prize. We may award more than one raffle prize like we did last year.

Prizes will be the following:
1- USxUK Doujinshi (these will not all be R-18, so don't worry if you don't want porn)
2- Yesasia and CDJapan gift certificates
3- LJ Paid Accounts
4- Other misc. ideas we will come up with.

We've designed the prizes to hopefully appeal to everyone. We know that some people may not be able to receive prizes in the mail, and that's why we're offering up the gift certificates as well.

Reply here if you have any questions!

We hope you're all excited for this project, and that a lot of you decide to participate. USxUK Summer Campers, we'll see you on July 22nd!

-- Camp Counselor haro

edit: the8thstone made a youtube playlist featuring all the songs the themes are based upon in order. Check it out here!

2012 usxuk summer camp, mod!post

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