haro in usxuk

[MOD POST] Special Relationship Sweethearts: Day Three- Taking Care of Business

Feb 09, 2012 21:50

It's now time for the third day of our Special Relationship Sweethearts Week! Please refer to the original post if you have any questions/don't know what the heck I'm talking about. You technically still have until 11:59 GMT -11, February 9th to post fic/art for 'once upon a time' if you're still trying to get things done.

That being said-

The third fic and art theme of the week is...

February 10th: Taking Care of Business
It's time for work! America and England in a work setting or participating in your occupation of choice for them. It can be canonverse with them at world meetings, on the battlefield, etc., or it can be AU with them doing... whatever you wish. Both of them do not need to be working (i.e. America as a vet and England as someone bringing his pet in), and they're welcome to be off the clock as well, as long as their occupation is made clear in the piece.

Use the following posting format for your submissions:

Pairing(s): (If it's just USxUK, you don't need to list this)
Link: (Alternately, you may post the fanwork on the community under an lj-cut)

Pairing(s): (If it's just USxUK, you don't need to list this)
Word Count: (We don't normally ask for this, but we need it for this week so we can award the correct amount of Valentines!)
Link: (Alternately, you may post the fanwork on the community under an lj-cut)

Make sure any preview images are no larger than 300x300

You also need to include a note somewhere in the subject line or the post itself that it is a submission for the Special Relationship Sweethearts week. All fic/art for this particular theme must be posted by 11:59 GMT -11 on February tenth.

Please tag any post you'd like to receive a Valentine for with the '2012 special relationship sweethearts' tag, in addition to the fic, art, doujinshi, vid, whatever it is you're submitting tag. We should be able to keep up on submissions, but on the off chance we miss one, having it readily tagged will help us go back and make sure that doesn't happen.

Good luck and have fun! I hope to see just as many posts today! ;)

2012 special relationship sweethearts, mod!post

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