haro in usxuk

2011 Spring Fever Fic/Art-athon

Mar 28, 2011 21:40

This spring, as a low pressure event, we've decided to run a fanwork-athon. Two years ago, when this community opened, our first project was a fanworkathon. As celebration of two years, we've decided to revisit this event for another go.

This is a low pressure USxUK fanworkathon. Both fanartists and fanfic writers (as well as fancomic artists!) are encouraged to participate.

The only restriction on subject matter:

It needs to be USxUK.

Of course. :D

And here is how it's going to work.
1- Tentative signup post (that's this post!) is made.
2- Prompt submission post is made. You reply with prompts that you're interested in seeing filled. You can submit as many prompts as you'd like. The more prompts, the better!
3- Prompt submission post is closed on April 4th (a week from now), and all the prompts are posted publicly. Members reply with which prompts they wish to fill. This will be first come-first serve.
4- Posting period begins! You can post at any point after you've claimed your prompt. The posting period will last from April 4th-May 30th June 6th (and after this, our summer project will start, which is going to be a new idea that we hope you enjoy). You may post your fanworks at any point during that time.

1- What if one of my prompts doesn't get filled?

That's always a possibility. This is not an exchange, so there's no guarantee that someone will fill one of the prompts you've offered up. Nonetheless, we're hopeful that there will be something here for everyone to enjoy, once all the fanworks are posted.

2- I really want to participate, but I have NO ideas for prompts. Can I still write or draw someone's prompt?

Sure, absolutely.

3- I'm not a fanartist or a fic writer, but I love looking at fanworks and I have a really great prompt idea. Can I offer it up?

Yes you may. Similarly, if you just don't have time to participate, but have some prompt ideas, go ahead and reply with them. We hope that you'll participate by submitting fanworks if you can though. The more the merrier!

4- How many prompts can I claim?

That depends on how many prompts we get. For now, you may claim one. If you finish your fanwork, you can come back and claim a second.

5- Can I claim my own prompt?

No, not yet. If there are enough prompts left, I may allow this after a few weeks.

6- Are there any other stipulations regarding fanworks?

Fanfiction should be a minimum of eight hundred words. It can be as long as you'd like. If you decide to do a chapter fic, you're welcome to post updates in separate posts to the community.

Fanart should be polished. It does not need to be colored, but it should not be a doodle in the margin of your notebook or something. Fancomics are the same. Additionally, like with fanfics, you may do separate posts with updates if you're doing a fancomic. Self-drawn MAD videos are also an okay medium.

Please try to have your work beta-ed.


This is not an official 'signup' post. We'd prefer you not back out if you express interest here, but we understand if you have to (i.e. if something comes up, you don't feel like you can do any of the prompts). Also, if you miss replying to this post and still want to participate, you are welcome to.

Please reply to this post with whichever applies to you:

I am a fic author, and I am interested in participating.

I am an artist, and I am interested in participating.

I am a fic author and artist, and I am interested in participating.

Comments are screened. The reason we want you to reply with a tentative signing up is so we can get an approximate idea of how many prompts we need to be accumulating.

The PROMPT SUBMISSION POST will be posted in a bit. It will clarify more specifics on what exactly we're asking for in a prompt.

Hope to see a lot of interest!

If you're interested in participating, please JOIN the community!

Please direct any questions via a PM or in reply to this post. I hope we have lots of participants! :D


2011 spring fever fic/art-athon, community projects, mod!post

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