Title: Newsflash: We Have a Hostage Situation
Author: me,
starfoxx322 Recipient:
sweet_tard Genre: Somewhere between Romance/drama/action,
Ratings/warnings: PG-13 for mentions of violence, guys kissing, and Arthur's not-so-kid-friendly word choice
Summary: "An AU where Alfred is an actual superhero, and like, rescues Arthur all damsel-in-distress style." Arthur is the editor of a New York City newspaper who is forced to go out on assignment when his star reporter won't answer his phone. There was no way he could have anticipated the first page news story that would unfold.
Notes: IT'S FINISHED. It only took a month, or so OTL I apologize to everyone who was waiting for this, especially sweet_tard. I hope it was a good, (albeit rather late) Christmas gift. Enjoy!
(Previous Chapter)
(This was definitely not a good situation... )