Выкладываю в «Уставные заметки» акафист святому священномученику Константину (Богоявленскому) иерею, Меркушинскому (†1918, память 14 (27) июля), составленный регентом
Свято-Екатерининского храма в Киркланде (штат Вашингтон) (Сан-Францисская и Западно-Американская епархия Православной Церкви в Америке) Megan Carlisle (в Крещении Марфа) в 2008 году. Текст воспроизводится по авторской машинописи, цензурными инстанциями акафист пока не рассматривался.
Акафист был написан после передачи в этот храм из Ново-Тихвинского женского монастыря Екатеринбургской епархии иконы священномученика Константина с частицей его святых мощей.
Akathist to New-Martyr Konstantin of Merkushino
Kontakion One (Tone Two)Let us, O faithful, praise Konstantin, / exceptional among priests and glorious among martyrs, / a champion of Orthodoxy and zealot of piety, / a beauteous offspring of the Russian land, / who has attained Heaven through his suffering, // and there fervently prays to Christ that our souls may be saved.
Rejoice, Saint Konstantin, Holy Hieromartyr!
Ikos OneHow shall we praise thee, O Konstantin, and how can we tell of thy many virtues? In every way thou hast revealed God to the world: thou art an icon of the High Priest, and a witness to the Trinity, a fervent intercessor and a vessel pouring forth miracles. In death thou wast born to eternal life, in burial thou wast raised to heaven, and when forgotten by men thy memory was yet eternal with God. Therefore, marvelling at our all-compassionate Lord, Who has put down the mighty from their thrones and exalted the lowly, we cry out to thee in praise:
Rejoice, for Merkushino rejoices in thee!
Rejoice, sweet spring of the river Tura.
Rejoice, new martyr of these latter days.
Rejoice, young victor over the ancient serpent.
Rejoice, loving shepherd of rational sheep.
Rejoice, thou who didst lay down thy life for thy flock.
Rejoice, offering well-pleasing to God.
Rejoice, thy soul didst arise as incense.
Rejoice, faithful steward in the house of the Lord.
Rejoice, sweet physician of the souls entrusted to thee.
Rejoice, loving father of thy spiritual children.
Rejoice, protector of all Orthodox faithful.
Rejoice, Saint Konstantin, Holy Hieromartyr!
Kontakion TwoThou wast a true icon of Christ, O priest-martyr Konstantin, for thou didst tend the flock entrusted to thee in the town of Merkushino. Serving at the altar of the Lord in the Church of Michael the Archangel, thou didst lead them in pious worship, crying out with the host of heaven: Alleluia!
Ikos TwoThou didst lift up thy heart and present a sacrifice of praise unto our loving God, and He received them at His heavenly, holy, and spiritual altar as an offering of spiritual fragrance. He bestowed divine grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit upon thee and all thy flock, and in gratitude they cried out:
Rejoice, midwife to those born again through baptism.
Rejoice, healer of the repentant.
Rejoice, comfort of the suffering.
Rejoice, bestower of many blessings.
Rejoice, minister at the altar of God.
Rejoice, imitator of His sacrifice.
Rejoice, guest at His marriage feast.
Rejoice, thy humility has become thy wedding garment.
Rejoice, Saint Konstantin, Holy Hieromartyr!
Kontakion ThreeO blessed martyr, when the town of Merkushino was tossed by waves of impiety and godless doctrine and suffered violence as a vessel doth upon the stormy sea, the faithful called out to thee: save us, for we are perishing. Thou didst console them as Christ did His disciples, and, finding refuge in thy wisdom, they cried out: Alleluia!
Ikos ThreeSeeing thy sheep threatened by wolves, thou didst lead them in procession to venerate the relics of Simeon, as a shepherd leads his flock to new pastures. And, bearing aloft the precious cross and icons of the saints well-pleasing unto God, the rational creatures did follow behind thee, crying out thus:
Rejoice, star leading the wise to worship the King.
Rejoice, fiery pillar pointing the faithful to freedom from sin.
Rejoice, lamp shining from the house of the Lord.
Rejoice, torch burning with love for thy Savior.
Rejoice, guide of those who have gone astray
Rejoice, staff for those blinded by ignorance.
Rejoice, pilot of those tossed on the sea of life.
Rejoice, banner carried by the heavenly host!
Rejoice, Saint Konstantin, Holy Hieromartyr!
Kontakion FourThe godless were inflamed by irrational fear, O peaceful one, and they imagined the pious procession to be a train of war. And coming with spears and clubs they laid hands on the blessed icons of God written in wood and flesh and upon thee, their defender. With thee we mourn the destruction of the images but do not cease to sing unto the Unblemished Prototype: Alleluia!
Ikos FourThe foolish and bloodguilty people of all ages have ever sought to conceal the glory of God, but our Lord in His triumphant Entry into Jerusalem has rebuked them, saying:
Rejoice, new Samuel of the Russian lands.
Rejoice, thou hast heard the voice of thy Lord.
Rejoice, yoke-fellow of Jeremiah.
Rejoice, the Lord has put His words in thy mouth.
Rejoice, companion of the youths in the fire.
Rejoice, thou hast not bowed to wickedness.
Rejoice, student of Daniel.
Rejoice, thou hast rent the impious dragon asunder.
Rejoice, prophet crying in the wilderness.
Rejoice, rebuker of godless rulers.
Rejoice, apostle running to the tomb of our Lord.
Rejoice, for thou hast proclaimed His Resurrection!
Rejoice, Saint Konstantin, Holy Hieromartyr!
Kontakion FiveThe rod struck the fold and the sheep scattered, O Shepherd, and with three others thou wast bound and cast blameless into prison. Thou didst receive the unjust sentence of death without murmur, O just one. And, marveling at thine endurance, we chant unto God: Alleluia!
Ikos Five“They shall deliver you up to kings and governors,” our Lord has said, “and some of you they will put to death, but not a hair of your head shall perish.” O wondrous mystery, that the children of Adam may be slain in the flesh and yet raised in the body! The great cloud of witnesses made ready to welcome thee into their company and cried out in joyous anticipation:
Rejoice, for thou hast kept thy soul pure like Joseph.
Rejoice, for like Susanna thou hast put thy trust in the Lord.
Rejoice, for like Samson thou didst not fall to despair.
Rejoice, for although bound thou yet shall triumph.
Rejoice, companion of Paul and Silas.
Rejoice, inheritor of Peter’s chains.
Rejoice, thou who art persecuted for righteousness sake!
Rejoice, for great is thy reward in heaven.
Rejoice, Saint Konstantin, Holy Hieromartyr!
Kontakion SixThere were none to render fitting services for thee, O Konstantin, and thou didst chant thine own funeral hymns while going to thy martyrdom. Thy tongue became a taper of fire and thy prayer arose as incense, and the martyrs from all ages joined chorus with thee, making thy funeral dirge the song: Alleluia!
Ikos SixWhere are thine earthly family and friends, O righteous Konstantin? All are fled, all are departed. Yet thou art escorted invisibly by saints and angels, who go before thee, weaving garlands of song and praising thee thus:
Rejoice, victorious athlete!
Rejoice, a crown is prepared for thee.
Rejoice, for thou has completed thy course.
Rejoice, thou hast kept the faith!
Rejoice, thou who art exalted!
Rejoice, thou who hast conquered by the sign of the Cross.
Rejoice, wise and faithful steward.
Rejoice, thou shalt be set over all thy Lord’s possessions.
Rejoice, Saint Konstantin, Holy Hieromartyr!
Kontakion SevenThou didst suffer martyrdom and was buried outside the city, O Konstantin, along with thy co-sufferer Nikita. But after the impious ones had departed, thy flock removed thy precious relics and buried them in the Church of Michael the Archangel. With them we praise thy faithful witness and chant unto God: Alleluia!
Ikos SevenThou art a mortal man, O Konstantin, and yet thou art a companion of the glorious Michael, commander of the heavenly host. For thou didst stand against the serpent, our adversary, and didst rebuke him in the Name of God. Therefore, turning to thee for protection against our visible and invisible foes, we cry out in song:
Rejoice, wall and haven of those who run to thee.
Rejoice, defender of those in adversity.
Rejoice, succour of those who struggle with passions.
Rejoice, shield of the faithful against temptation.
Rejoice, sword piercing the heart of error.
Rejoice, furnace consuming the thorns of wickedness.
Rejoice, for thou didst contend against the Prince of this world.
Rejoice, light driving back this ancient darkness.
Rejoice, Saint Konstantin, Holy Hieromartyr!
Kontakion EightThy name didst vanish from the earth, but was inscribed in the Book of Life. It was no longer spoken by men, but resounded in the mouths of the angels. The Church of Michael the Archangel was destroyed by the godless ones, and yet Michael shielded thy relics from harm as once he did with the relics of Moses. The faithful could not ask for intercession from thee, but thou didst join the chorus of martyrs known only to God who intercede for the world and chant unto Him: Alleluia!
Ikos EightDuring the reign of the godless, thy name was concealed from the memory of the people as thy body was concealed beneath the earth, O Konstantin, for both were treasures well-pleasing to God, and it was not fitting that they should be tarnished by the impious. The faithful, who could see only in part, signed themselves with the cross as they passed the site of thy victory, and the angels who see in full cried out with joy:
Rejoice, treasury of virtues!
Rejoice, silver untarnished.
Rejoice, O pearl of great price.
Rejoice, pure gold refined by the fire.
Rejoice, dove hidden within the ark of the earth.
Rejoice, holy tablet guarded by the cherubim.
Rejoice, rod of Aaron blossoming after bodily death.
Rejoice, sweet manna feeding the hearts of the faithful.
Rejoice, Saint Konstantin, Holy Hieromartyr!
Kontakion NineIn the fullness of time, after the winter of wickedness had passed, the land of Merkushino again blossomed with piety, sweet Konstantin. And watered by thy prayers, the earth brought forth a new temple of Michael the Archangel. The faithful who in prior days had sown the fields with tears now reap the pious harvest with joy and cry to God: Alleluia!
Ikos NineHumble laborers were given grace to discover thy relics, O Konstantin. While laying an earthly foundation for a temple to God, they found thee, it’s spiritual foundation. And we, joining in chorus with them, chant unto thee thus:
Rejoice, steadfast rock bearing up the house of the Lord.
Rejoice, the ark of the church has found rest upon thee.
Rejoice, rock gushing forth a fountain of miracles.
Rejoice, marvellous cornerstone.
Rejoice, stumbling block of our adversary.
Rejoice, millstone crushing the enemy host.
Rejoice, thou hast toppled the idol of godlessness.
Rejoice, for the heads of demons are dashed upon thee.
Rejoice, Saint Konstantin, Holy Hieromartyr!
Kontakion TenThe sisters of the New-Tikhvin Convent sought to rebury thee in a reverent manner, but the place where thy relics were to be interred filled twice with water. The earth and water once divided by God came together again at His command, refusing to conceal thee, and in silence they cried to their Creator: Alleluia!
Ikos TenWonder followed wonder, holy martyr, for the Gospel book buried with thee revealed thy name, and the mark of violence on thy body spoke of thy martyrdom. Thy relics were not subject to decay but remained incorruptible. Giving thanks to God who bestows abundant blessings on the faithful, we cry out to thee by name:
Rejoice, the Lord has engraved thee on the palms of His hands.
Rejoice, for He has revealed thee in the Book of Life.
Rejoice, incorruptible soul preserved by our God.
Rejoice, fitting source of incorruptible relics.
Rejoice, confirmation of Orthodox piety.
Rejoice, assurance of those weakened by doubt.
Rejoice, light to those who watch by night.
Rejoice, unexpected joy of the faithful.
Rejoice, Saint Konstantin, Holy Hieromartyr.
Kontakion ElevenThe faithful know thee to be a speedy helper, O Konstantin, for those who call upon thy name behold blessings and miracles. Intercede also for us, O Hieromartyr, that we may not fall into temptation, but ever give God glory, thanksgiving, and worship, calling out to Him: Alleluia!
Ikos Eleven“Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies,” our Lord has said, “it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” How fruitful hast thou become, O Konstantin, and we who are witness to the miracles wrought by thine intercession cry out to thee in thanksgiving:
Rejoice, wheat nourishing the faithful.
Rejoice, vine bearing plentiful fruit.
Rejoice, herb changing bitter waters to sweet.
Rejoice, fragrant rose in the heavenly garden.
Rejoice, seed sown in humility.
Rejoice, tree ever-glorious.
Rejoice, for the weary rest beneath the shade of thy mercy.
Rejoice, for our souls, like birds, make their homes in thy branches.
Rejoice, Saint Konstantin, Holy Hieromartyr!
Kontakion TwelveBlessed art thou, O Konstantin, and thy witness is marvellous, and no words are sufficient to hymn thee. Rightly art thou called Theophany [
1] for when thou wast baptized in thine own blood, thou didst witness to the worship of the Trinity. O defender of Orthodoxy, through thine intercession in heaven, enable us on earth to sing to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God: Alleluia!
Ikos TwelveThy witness has gone out into all the earth, blessed Konstantin, and thy words to the ends of the universe. The light of thy virtues has shone on us, and with knowledge we sing unto thee:
Rejoice, defender of the Trinity!
Rejoice, the Father is well-pleased with thee
Rejoice, faithful image of the Son.
Rejoice, temple of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, dew refreshing those burned by temptation.
Rejoice, rain making stony hearts blossom.
Rejoice, for thou hast tasted of the Living Water.
Rejoice, for thou dost pour out streams of healing for all!
Rejoice, Saint Konstantin, Holy Hieromartyr!
Kontakion ThirteenO victorious priest-martyr Konstantin, accept this offering of praise from the lips of sinners. Intercede before the Lamb of God, Who taketh away the sins of the world, that we may behold the beauty of His face in the never-ending day of His Kingdom. And make us worthy to stand with the angels and saints of all ages, crying out ceaselessly: Alleluia! (thrice)
Repeat Ikos One and Kontakion One.
1] Father Kanstantin’s family name, Bogoyavlensky, translates literally as “Theophany.”