It must be thursday, I hate thursdays.

Apr 04, 2005 08:17

Lothar woke up to a Uniform in his room. He hadn’t seen this particular uniform before.

Before Lothar could say anything the Uniform set his phazer for stun and shot Lothar.

“What the F$#@ is that about?” Lothar said as he got up and walk over the soon-to-be-ex-starfleet-secuity-officer. When he reached out to grab him by the throat, his hand passed though the officer. “Holograms… I hates Holograms..” Puzzled for a moment, Lothar looked at the singed part of his shirt where the hologram tried to stun him. “If you’re a hologram, you did I get a real phazer burn?” Lothar asked the hologram as the hologram reset the phazer for a higher stun level.

“Hey! Cut that crap out!” Lothar took a swing at the hologram and passed through him a second time. “somethin screwy is goin’ on here..”

The Hologram then set his phazer for the lightest “warning shot level, that having similar effect of stun, he then set it for halt, stop, hey you, kill: just a little, Kill: a bit more, and Kill: really really a lot. All of which just pissed off Lothar to the point where he started to throw things through the hologram just because it made him feel better.

Then a second Hologram appeared in Lothar’s quarters, both firing in unison, neither one actually stunning Lothar. Then a third and fourth hologram appear, the quartet tried to stun the now very angry indeed Lothar. Then four more holograms, then eight more, sixteen, thirty two, all firing in unison and none of them doing anything more then gaining the now furious glare from Lothar.

About the time the ships computer tried to stuff 16,384 holograms into Lothar’s quarters, the Hologram were shrunk to 1/10th their size but still carrying a full size phazer, and the stunning tried to continue.

Somewhere around 262,144 holograms, the walls and floors (which had been expanded to hold the sheer number of phazers) started to shimmer and fade. “The main computer must be diverting a tremendous amount of energy just to try to stun me” Lothar thought as he was bathed in the light of more then a quarter million tiny phazers. “Maybe I should try to work on my tan…”

Then Lothar felt the transporter beam. And then he was someplace else.
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