The Brothers Winchester:Book Two-Cry-Part Four

Jan 06, 2009 22:55

Part One/ Part Two/ Part Three

Part Four
“I gotta what?” Taylor asked.

Jake looked up from the kitchen table, glass of milk paused before his lips “There ain't a lot of room, you're gonna be bunking with Chace.” he said nodding towards the youngest Winchester, chewing down on a sandwich in only a pair of baggy jeans.

“It's cool.” Chace said around his mouthful “I got room.”

Taylor looked at his cousin's abs and chest and then to Jake with an exasperated look “But Jake!”

Jake finished his milk and wiped his mouth “Look half pint, I brought you cause you said you were going to help out. That means bunking with your cousin. Now I need you to man up and handle it or do I need to ship you back home on a bus?”

Taylor tried not to watch the way Chace's face looked as he grinned while eating. He was just about close to understanding the way guys made him feel, but in the ultra masculine world of Oklahoma and farm life there was no way he was going to be able to express that to anyone. Bad enough he thought his own brother was the hottest thing on two legs...but the fact that his cousin was like freakin liquid sex was unsettling to say the least. The idea of sharing a room with a guy that looked like that for any amount of time made Taylor's stomach do backflips. He was sure he was going to be found out for sure.

And then he would just die.

But on the other hand the thought of going through another six months without seeing Jake was even worse. His case of puppy love had turned into something a lot worse and it didn't matter to him that Jake would never feel the same way...just being close to him was enough. But he would fucking kill himself if Jake found out about him by Chace telling on him.

“Tay?” Jake asked after a few seconds of his brother's silence.

Taylor looked at him with his huge blue eyes on the verge of tears and then took a deep breath “Yeah I'm good. No problem.”

Jake cocked his head to the side in confusion, sensing there was something more to his but before he could ask Dean walked into the kitchen “Anything left?” he asked Sam.

Sam pulled a plate from behind him with a sandwich and chips on it. Dean smiled as he popped a chip in his mouth “Thanks Emril.”

Sam punched him in the shoulder as he dug in the fridge for a beer “Want one?” Dean asked.

“Sure.” Sam, Jake and Chace answered all at once,

Dean stood up with three beers, handing one to Sam and one to Jake and then looked at Chace “You have school tomorrow and oh're too young!”

Chace made a face “You were drinking at my age!”

Dean smirked “I also wasn't hitting cops. So sounds like one of us handled our liquor better than the other.” he popped the bottle open and took a long swig.

“That's not fair!” Chace exclaimed.

Dean nodded “And water is wet. Anything else?” he said giving his younger brother a stare.

Chace held it for a few seconds and then looked away “No.”

“Dean nodded as he ate another chip “Good. Glad we got that settled. Why don't you boys head upstairs and get ready for bed. You both got a long day ahead of you.”

“But it's only nine!” Chace said.

Dean looked over slowly” Oh I'm sorry. Did it sound like I was asking for the time. My bad.” and then at the top of his lugs he screamed “GO TO FUCKING BED!”

Chace actually pulled back at the volume before slamming his plate down on the stove “Fine. Whatever! Come on Taylor.”

Taylor, who had been watching Chace and Dean go back and forth like a tennis match froze before looking at Jake who just nodded slightly before the boy moved. He raised one hand and waved “Night Uncle Sam, Uncle Dean,”

Sam smiled at him “Night Taylor...see you in the morning.”

Taylor moved over and gave Jake a hug, which the older boy reciprocated for a long few seconds. He said in a low voice “I'll go check on you in a few.” Dean looked over to Sam with a raised eyebrow, his brother shrugged back with a 'shut up' look on his face,

Taylor nodded and then followed Chace upstairs in silence.

The three of them were left in the kitchen alone. Dean took another drink of his beer before asking “He's a nice kid.”

Jake nodded as he finished his meal “Yeah he's a champ. Little sensitive, but I wouldn't change a thing on him.”

Dean nodded “So how we gonna do this?” he said changing the subject .

Jake finished his beer as he stood “We got all tomorrow to go over that Dean. Why don't we just spend tonight getting settled in.” he threw everything in the garbage, ignoring the angered look on Dean's face.

“I'd rather get this all out now.” Dean said with a tone.

Jake looked back at him with an almost bored look “And I want to get at least one night's sleep before going ten rounds with you. So why not sleep...and we can fight tomorrow.”

Dean's eyes flared “Who says we're going to fight?”

Jake laughed as he shook his head “That's what I always liked about you Dean.” he said walking out of the room “You were always the funny one.”

Dean looked over to Sam “What the fuck?”

Sam raised his hands and tried to calm him “Dean...he's right. Let's just worry about it tomorrow.”

Dean's face looked as if it was going to get even madder for a second and then it just changed. He took a deep breath and said “Fine...tomorrow.” he tossed his bottle as well “I'm going upstairs. Lock up before you turn in ok?”

Sam nodded as he watched Dean walk upstairs and bad was tomorrow going to be?

Chace opened his door and held the door open for Taylor “Me casa, su casa.” he said in very bad spanish.

Taylor looked around at the collection of scantly clad women holding beers taped on to the walls with wide eyes. Intermixed were some of Italian cars and Japanese motorcycles making it obvious to just about about anyone the room belonged to a teenage male. There was a weight bench in the corner with clothes hanging from the bar as well as a sweet flat screen with a Xbox hooked up to it with what looked like the backseat of a old 50's car that had been fitted to be a couch sitting in front of it. Taylor waked over in obvious awe.

Chace smiled “My dad built that for me. From the backseat of a 57 Thunderbird. Leather covers and everything.” he said with obvious pride. Taylor sat down on it and was surprised to feel how comfortable it was.

“It's like...” he struggled for the words.

“ sitting on a cloud?” Chace offered.

Taylor nodded “Yeah! It's awesome!”

Chace sat next to him on it “Yeah my dad was kickass with shit like that.” and he stopped talking. Taylor looked over and saw the abject sorrow on his cousin's face as he thought about this father.

Not knowing what he was supposed to do he patted him on the back “Hey...” he said feebly “'s ok. I mean...” it looked like he was on the verge of tears for a second and Taylor was seriously freaking out. But with an obvious effort Chace took a deep breath and shook his head.

“Hey it's cool.” he said standing “Shit happens.” he opened his closet and pushed the shirts and jackets over to one side “You can have that side and I'll clean out a drawer for you.” he said gesturing at the dresser. “We look about the same size so if you wanna borrow anything go for sense in being shy about it.”

Taylor felt his heart go out for the guy, he was obviously hurting but here he was shoving it aside just to make him feel welcome. That made him a stand up up guy in Taylor's eyes. He nodded “Thanks...I brought some stuff but...”

“But you didn't wanna pack like a girl? Yeah I get that. I wear a 29 waist, you?” he said pulling at the waist of his jeans.

“About the same, 29 is baggy on me.” he said showing his own jeans.

Chace examined them “You might be a little shorter than me.” he said unbuttoning his jeans and slipping them off “Try these on.”

Taylor froze as he saw that Chace wasn't wearing anything under his jeans. His eyes went immediately to Chace's flaccid cock that looked about as big as most guys did hard. It was hard not to notice the impressive girth of Chace's Winchester pride as he stood there naked, holding out a faded pair of jeans. Chace smiled “Here, see if they fit.” he said shaking the jeans to get the boys attention.

Taylor pried his eyes of Chace's nude form as he took the still warm jeans from him. He began to slowly unbutton his own jeans, the white of his underwear a stark contrast to the tanned skin of his stomach. Chace tried not to lick his lips as he watched his cousin shuck his jeans off, exposing a pair of tight, white underwear that proved cock size ran big in their entire family.

Taylor slipped the jeans on quickly, trying to hide the fact that he was already growing in his underwear from Chace's incredible body just standing there. They fit well, the denim hugging the toned edges of Taylor's hips, hanging just enough to show the firm curves of his muscular ass. Chace moved behind him and pointed him towards the mirror on his wall “See, little long but you wear boots, they'll be fine.” he said tugging the jeans up around his waist. He paused, letting his fingers graze over those floating mounds of flesh just peeking above the waistline “They fit really well.” he said leaning forward, whispering in Taylor's ear.

Taylor's head nodded quickly as he felt his mouth go dry.

“What the fuck?” a voice from the hallway called.

Both Chace and Taylor jumped in fright as Dean stood at the doorway, wondering why his brother was naked, standing behind his cousin clad only in a low hanging pair of jeans, Taylor blushed something awful as Chace looked for something to cover himself with “Dean, we were just sharing..” he started but Dean moved in and grabbed Chace's wrist.

To Taylor he said “Excuse us for a second.” and pulled him out into the hallway before slamming the door. Chace stood there, trying to cover himself as Dean said in a harsh whisper “What in the fuck was that?” he demanded.

Chace was looking down, trying his best not to make eye contact with Dean “N-nothing. I was just showing him...”

And Dean's hand lashed out and grabbed Chace's hard cock. The younger man gasped at the touch as Dean said “I know what you were showing him Chace.” he said with a hiss. “That shit isn't gonna fly under my roof. Period.” he said “He is off limits. In fact all guys are fucking off limits. You need to start straightening out right now.” His face was close to Chace as he growled “It's time to grow the fuck up.”

Chace looked into his eyes and saw the anger...but noticed his hand was still holding his throbbing cock firm. Throwing caution to the wind Chace leaned in and kissed Dean on the lips hard. His tongue pushed past the startled lips of his older brother as he pressed himself against him. He felt Dean harden in his jeans as he purred into Dean's ear “They don't fly with me big bro.” he licked around Dean's ear, causing the older boy to shiver “You wanna sound like need to mean it.” He felt Dean's hand let go of him as he backed away. He smiled at Dean “Seriously need to get laid.” he half chuckled as he waked back into his room and closed the door.

Leaving Dean in the hallway hard and out of breath...wondering when his life was going to become normal.

Jake changed in his room alone.

He slipped on his faded gray sweats and made sure his stuff was stowed away before checking on Taylor. He paused at the door as Sam stood there, hand raised in mid knock. He saw Jake's chest and his eyes looked away quickly “Oh sorry” he said averting his eyes “I just wanted to make sure you had everything,”

Jake saw the slight blush on Sam's face and grinned “It's ok Sam...I got everything covered.”

Sam looked up and then away again “Yeah I know...I mean.” and he cleared his throat “So you good?”

Jake smiled as he noticed the signs of Sam's arousal at his body. It happened enough that Jake was used to it, but to see it in Sam...well that was different. Sam was fucking hotter than shit. He could take all night on that boy and still have more to get to the next morning. He wondered if Sam was even aware of it? Some guys were just latent, having feelings until they saw something that just flipped their switch...and then they didn't know what to do. Jake had become a master at catching the signs in guys he was stationed with and...leading them into the masterful art of male on male action. And when Jake was done with them...they came begging for more.

He wondered how Sam sounded begging.

Jake nodded “I'm great Sam. Thanks for checking on me.”

Sam nodded and began to walk away “Welp see you in the morning.”

Jake watched him climb the stairs, the solid build of that perfect ass just teasing him through those Wranglers. Jake laughed as he went upstairs himself...he was SO going to tap that before he got out of here.

Chace closed the door behind him, locking it so Dean wouldn't be tempted to come busting in again. Chace saw the shocked look on Taylor's face as he stared at him and then followed his gaze.

Fuck he was hard.

He tried to cover it but there was no way he was going to completely hide anything that size. He shrugged “Sorry, it has a mind of its own.”

Taylor nodded, still staring as he said under his breath “Yeah and it's own zip code.”

Chace chuckled “I sleep nude anyways...that ok?” he said pulling the covers back on his bed.

Taylor kinda of coughed “Um, sure...don't matter to me. Where am I sleeping?”

Chace jumped into bed and patted the space next to him “It's a queen, more than enough room.”

Taylor closed his mouth as he realized he was gaping. “ that's ok. I can take the couch...” he said gesturing to the old car backseat.

Chace shook his head “No way...that thing is a classic. Not meant for sleeping. Sides it gets ass cold in the morning...the bed is more than big enough. Come on.” he said patting the bed again “I don't bite.”

Taylor say his nude cousin laying in the bed inviting him and thought...this was going to be the hardest moment in his entire life. He slowly shucked Chace's jeans off and walked over to the bed, climbing in slowly. Chace laid down, leaving on pillow for his cousin.

Taylor laid down stiffly, trying to keep to as much to one side as he could. Chace laughed “It's ok, more than enough room man.” he said getting himself comfortable. Taylor shifted slightly over but remained completely still.

“So what do you do before you go to bed?” Chace asked in the silence.

“What?” Taylor asked looking over to him.? Did he know he usually jerked off before going to bed? Was he asking him to? Was it a test?

Chace propped himself up on one arm “I asked what do you do before you go to bed? Like to get tired?”

Taylor tried not to look at his cousin's smooth, tanned torso just sitting there like a fucking buffet meal. He tried not to imagine his hard cock just throbbing there, within reach. His mouth got dry again and he stammered “ I mean...”

Chace quickly said “I watch Sport's center” he had a remote control in his hand and turned on the TV. The voice of the sport's announcer filled the room as Taylor felt himself grow fred in embarrassment. This was going to be fucking impossible. He felt himself growing hard and jumped out of bed “Where's the shower?”

Chace looked over “Second door on the take one this late?”

Taylor grabbed a towel and some sweats from his bag “I do now.” he said opening the door...

And ran right into Jake.

“Whoa!” he said holding his younger brother by one arm “Where's the rush?”

Taylor pushed past his brother “Shower...move.” he said and barreled down the hall before anyone saw his hardon.

Jake watched him disappear into the bathroom and then looked back to Chace “He ok?”

Chace looked away from the TV and shrugged “Guess so...really wanted a shower I guess.”

Jake saw the TV “Oh sweet...they show the scores yet?” he said coming in and sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Not yet.” Chace said sitting up some “I wanna see how A and M did.”

Jake looked back “Aggies huh?” Chace nodded “I'm a Longhorn man myself.” he said smiling.

“Traitor!” Chace exclaimed smiling.

Jake could not believe how much this kid looked like fucking Dean at that age. Like a pint sized stud in blue jeans...he adjusted himself under his sweats “Them fighting words there short stack.” he said moving closer to Chace.

“Bring it on grandpa!” Chace said reading himself for the lunge.

Jake lept forward, feeling the younger man's smooth skin under him as he tried to pin him to the bed. He was surprised at the strength in Chace's limbs as he pushed Jake back a few inches on the bed. They struggled against each other as Jake slowly began to wear him down. Chace inch by inch was forced back down to the bed as Jake held him still. They both broke out a sweat as Chace was pushed back into his bed “Looks like you're toast there smallfry.” Jake said with a grin.

Chace pushed as hard as he could, but he had no leverage. Jake forced the straining teen's arms flat against the bed as he hovered over him “Say in uncle please stop beating my ass.” he said.

Chace surged to sit up again and Jake moved to straddle to prone boy to keep him down. As he sat across his waist he could feel the boy's hips try to buck him off, but Jake wasn't going anywhere. “Fat chance.” he said.

Chace bucked his hips forward “Fat ass more like it.!” he said laughing.

Jake's eyes widened in mock anger “Oh fat huh?” he asked pushing hard downwards.

And he felt the kid's horse cock bulge under him. He froze as he felt the slab of meat move under his threadbare sweats. He saw Chace stop as well and then slowly move his hips forward...a grin on his face.

Jake was stunned feeling this kid's huge cock move under him with Dean's know it all grin looking up at him. It was just too fucking much and he pressed back against it. He saw Chace's eyes close slightly from the pressure as he pushed back. Jake could not believe this teenager was grinding against him like this. It was like a fucking wet dream...

“You kicking his ass?”

Jake's head spun around and saw Sam standing in the doorway grinning.

Jake looked back to Chace who still had that Dean smirk on his face as he ground his hips up one more time. “Um yeah...” Jake said moving to get off of him “ know just horseplay.” he said trying to will his cock to soften.

Sam laughed “Yeah well Chace needs to get his ass kicked a few times.” he said walking into the room “Too cocky for his own good.”

“Yeah that's me.” Chace said still looking at Jake “Cocky.”

Jake shook his head as he got off the bed “Well I should sleep.”

Sam followed Jake out of the room “Lights out after the scores.” he said.

Chace nodded “Night uncle Jake.”

Jake looked back at the barechested boy propped up in his bed and tried not to stare “Night Chace.”

They closed the door and ran into Taylor, wet haired standing in the hall. “Oh Taylor” Jake said “I was...why are you wet?”

Taylor looked flushed “Shower. Night.” he said moving past Sam and Jake and ran into the room.

Jake watched the door slam in his face. He looked back at Sam “That kid is...”

Sam nodded “Chace has a lot of Dean in him. And that's isn't all good.” he said moving down the hall “I'm off to bed. You good?”

Jake nodded numbly “Yeah...gonna go hit the sack.”

“Night” Sam said climbing the stairs to his and Dean's room.

Jake walked away wondering...what the hell had he got himself into?

Taylor tossed his towel on the pile of dirty clothes and climbed into bed next to Chace. “Get everywhere clean?” Chace asked watching the TV.

Taylor looked over at him in shock “Um...yeah.”

Chace looked and winked at him “Good. Cleanliness is next to godliness and all that.”

Taylor felt his cheeks grow warm and laid down, back to him “Night Chace.”

Chace went back to watching the scores”Night cuz.” The grin on his face was truly evil.

Sam closed the door behind him, Dean was already laid out on his bed. Sam began to slowly undress in the dark, trying not to wake his brother. He began to lower his jeans when he felt a pair of hands move around his waist. Dean's voice growled in his ear “Hey there.”

Sam paused and moved away “What?”

Dean smiled as he moved closer “What what?” he grabbed the edge of Sam's boxers “Do you really have to ask?”

Sam grabbed Dean's wrists and stopped him “What are you doing?”

Dean's face moved close to Sam's “What do you think?”

Sam said nothing for a long while and then said “I think you're trying to piss on me.”

Dean pulled back “What the fuck?”

“Piss on me. Leave me a hickey. Brand me. Anything that will mark your territory.” Sam said calmly.

“Fuck you.” Dean trying to grab his wrists back.

Sam held them tight “I wanted that. For awhile now Dean. But you were the one that thought God killed dad because he did. And that was fine. Crazy but fine. I was willing to wait for you to work through that. But the day Jake shows up you start rubbing on me like nothing happened?” he let go of Dean “That isn't going to happen.”

Dean took a step back “What is your problem Sam?” Dean demanded “First you are chasing my dick like it's heroin and now you are saying no?”

“This isn't about your dick Dean.” Sam said sighing.

“Then what's it about?”

Sam blinked twice and said “It's about power Dean. And I am not interested in playing in that game. You feel threatened by Jake? Be threatened. But don't come whoring up to me just so you can feel like you are in control of something.” Sam walked over and grabbed his pillow and blanket off his bed “You wanna be with me? Be with me. You wanna make a point to your ego?” he stood at the door “Then jerk off.” and with that he closed the door and walked downstairs.

Leaving Dean standing there nude and pissed.

Taylor finally dozed off, the silence of the room was inviting and the warmth of the bed was irresistible. He had a vision of Chace standing before him, smiling, nude. Taylor felt himself move forward into his arms, his skin pressing against his cousin's. The sensation of Chace's arms wrapped around him was so engulfing, so protective that he curled into it and snuggled as hard as he could. He grabbed the arms and pressed them closer to him...

Wait how did his arms get behind him?

Taylor woke suddenly, Chace's arms wrapped around him, his body pressed against his back. He froze for a moment, the warmth of the boy's skin was like an electrical shock all over. He waited for a moment and then heard Chace snore slightly. Taylor sighed as he realized his cousin was asleep, and most likely had rolled over. Taylor felt a little guilty, but he moved backwards, closer to him, feeling the warmth of the embrace like a cocoon. Chace's arms moved tighter around him, pulling him even closer. Taylor rested his head against the other boy's arms and closed his eyes again.

Within minutes he was asleep.

Sam made himself comfortable on the living room couch as best he could. Being his height anything short of a flatbed truck wasn't comforting, but he made due. He could not believe Dean and his idiotic bullshit. He should have know better. The second another male walks into the area he has to try to establish dominance. Not that Dean wants anything to with him, he just wants to make sure no one else does either. Typical. Sam laid back on the couch and tried to relax. It was going to be a long few months with Jake and Taylor here...especially if Sam wasn't going to be getting laid. He slipped his hand under his underwear, taking hold of his hardening cock. He was going to have to jerk off as much as possible not to be a rutting fool around Jake. That face, that body...fuck it was just too much for Sam. He began stoking faster and faster, imagining his cousin moving towards him...naked, hard flesh...

Sam groaned slightly as his imagination took hold and began to show images of what sex would be like this him. Hard, fast, sweaty...Sam stroked faster...sweat building on his brow as he imagined Jake's perfect ass...

Sam's dick exploded onto his chest...warm cum spraying everywhere. His legs shook from the intensity of the orgasm for a moment...and he laid there trying to catch his breath. And in the silence he heard it...

The rhythmic squeaking of the guest room bed. Slipping off the couch Sam made his way to the door and listened at the crack. He could hear Jake's labored grunts as the sound of flesh hitting flesh reverberated out of the room. Sam felt his deflated cock twitch as the sound of this studly cousin jerking off in the next room. Moving slowly Sam moved one eye into the crack of the open door...and was shocked to see Jake nude...on his back, legs spread wide, two hands on his cock jerking off. His body was flexed tight, his muscles bulging as stroked his cock with intensity. Sam actually licked his lips as he watched Jake pull at his oversized cock with a tempo...he had never been so fucking turned on in his life. Jake was so intent on cumming...his eyes closed...mouth half open...and then he moved his left hand lower...and Sam stifled a gasp as he saw his cousin start to finger his own ass with one finger as he began to moan out loud...

Sam watched as Jake's cock spurted cum over his head, his ass off the bed as he exploded in ecstasy. He was covered in a fine sheen of sweat as he collapsed back onto the bed...out of breath...Sam backed away from the door slowly...his cock already half hard again. The image of Jake's cock...fingering his ass...burned into his mind. He was going to jerk off to that sight for months...he was sure.

He laid back on the couch with a sigh...and began fisting his cock again...this was going to be a VERY long few months.

To be continued...

cowboy, cry

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