Pilots and the Widening (Double-)Gyre, in Which No One Can Get Dana to Shut Up and Stop Rambling

Jan 16, 2012 14:47

Introduction and BSG and Yeats

I like to watch things crash. Not like NASCAR kind of crash, just your average everyday complete personal meltdown. Which is undoubtedly why I love Battlestar GalacticaNow, I'm a creature of genre. This is hard to explain sometimes to people who aren't creatures of genre. Basically, this means that I love science ( Read more... )

kara thrace, scifi, battlestar galactica, kara/lee, tv, meta, lee adama, william butler yeats

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Comments 4

callmeonetrack January 17 2012, 00:29:27 UTC
So, by the end, my poor Lee Adama is so burnt out and so completely alone that he just doesn't last very long in the wilds of Earth 2.0. And I never can stomach any of the suggestions that he "goes on to do great things" or "finds some nice girl to settle down with" because for Lee there are no other girls. At this point there is nothing else for him. He's ridden the cycles of the gyre enough to know that he falls apart without her, and I don't expect that to change. There's only Kara. (At which point I'm forcibly reminded of Big Fish: "For your daddy there were only ever two women: your mama, and everyone else.")

THIS TIMES A KAJILLION. All those fics that try to pair him up with Sonja (or some other Six), Paulla, Ishay? No. Sorry. Not gonna work.

And I adore Fat!Lee. I even made him his own pouty video. ;)

Season Four presents us with pilots who finally realize that they cannot function without one another and thus give each other unwavering support in all things.This is the real tragedy of their ending, for me. THEY HAD WORKED ( ... )


useyourlove January 17 2012, 01:22:24 UTC
Lee with anyone else never works for me because I've seen him without Kara. And I don't care what "Daybreak" tries to do, and I don't care what Season Four tries to do--you expect me to believe that he's not going to be the same way after Kara leaves him again? Or worse because he thought she had come back to him?? Or, no, wait, God reached into his breast and eased his pain, and made everything magically all right. If I had a gif of dramatic eye rolling, I'd use it here. In my mind, my poor Lee is forever either a crazy recluse, some kind of nutty soothsayer who's gone batty wandering the wilds of earth alone (omg I want that to be a fic now), or he just literally dies after like two weeks. Because, given Lee's character for the whole series, getting an ending like that would break him irreparably ( ... )


winegums January 17 2012, 01:56:14 UTC
"finds some nice girl to settle down with"

BLASPHEMY. He's not Tristan Ludlow!

Lee's already "settled down" with one nice girl, and look how that ended.


useyourlove January 17 2012, 03:17:48 UTC
Lol! When I start to read a fic that's like "oh yes he has this lovely family" or "he's a well-adjusted integral part of Earth society" I'm like "HA no. Close." I am so damn picky about my fic. And my stupid angsty babies.


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