.no memories at all.

Apr 25, 2008 12:31

i've had a vomiting bug so i'm really behind on my friends list so sorry if i'm ignoring your entries. a brief glance at my friends page though and i see this meme everywhere and i'm bored and weak and sick and slightly delirious so please do it.

"If you have anything to say to the person who posts this, say it to them. If you love them, tell them ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

anonymous April 25 2008, 11:49:56 UTC
If you love them, tell them.

you're one of my favourite people ever!
i wish we lived closer, i'd like to go for hot chocolate and a chat again.

feel better soon x x


userfriendly_x April 26 2008, 15:31:09 UTC
hot chocolate...i'm guessing this is either sam or em? :D xx


(The comment has been removed)

userfriendly_x April 26 2008, 15:32:19 UTC
awww thank you, GB definitely wouldn't have been the same without you there to appreciate the hutz with me. ;) &thanks, that means a lot, i always feel pretty useless at giving advice just because i think i sound like an idiot. or narcisstic. i dunno. much love xx


thebarkside April 25 2008, 14:43:41 UTC
BLEURGH. Hope you feel better soon! x


userfriendly_x April 26 2008, 15:33:04 UTC
thankoo! i do now, managed to go to the gig (AWESOME) and even hit the gym today. HURRAHHH x


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