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Comments 24

randuhh May 13 2012, 02:34:31 UTC
I'm totally getting Pets after I have all the computer-drama sorted through. I need all the animal lovins.

omg those spare kids are so cute! The La Force lips are very strong, even in other games. Remember Hannah? She had the famous La Force lips too. Come to think of it, I think all of Zelda/Devin's kids in my game had the La Force lips <3

The whole bit with J.T. talking to Dakota's "dad" was pure gold, Sarah. I had tears streaming down my face from all the lulz! So priceless XD

Awww SAFF <3333 I've missed him so much. It was so hard for me to kick him out of the Amitola house and to see him here makes me so happy :') I hope he treats Nyota well.

Spock is the ultimate troll omg XD and Uhura? She is such a good sister.


uselaforce May 13 2012, 05:02:57 UTC
Yeeeesssss agh, even after all the headaches I had with Pets on my old computer, I'm so glad I got it. <3

They are! So nice seeing Story Progression doing its thang. Ahh yes! Hannah was gorgeous. <3 I know though omg, those lips died hard. Every heir until gen. 6 had them. xD I kinda miss 'em actually, aw.

Ahaha aw, I'm glad I could make ya laugh that hard bb. xD

I know he will, he's really sweet to her in my game. (: I actually can't wait for them to get together, I have a feeling they'll make the most gorgeous kids. <3

He totally is. xD & Uhura is, she's always there for her younger-by-like-three-minutes sister. <3 Thanks for reading, bb!


nikkstarrr11 May 13 2012, 23:37:24 UTC
Whoo! Amazing chapter! C:
"Tell it again bro"
- I was laughing so hard XD
There's something about this bunch that always leaves me wanting more!
Off to vote! :3


uselaforce May 14 2012, 06:06:29 UTC
Aw shucks, thank you m'dear! c:


tiptoehappiness May 18 2012, 21:26:33 UTC
Jean-Luc is so precious <3

Nyota & Saffron *gushes* They are just beyond cute together!

Spock is fantastically awkwardly awesome!


uselaforce May 19 2012, 02:31:54 UTC
Aw he is, he makes the derpy-est little faces and I just love him so much. <3
I agree! c: Spock is so awkward, I think he'll make for an interesting heir. xD Thanks for reading & commenting!


negomimogen May 24 2012, 13:22:58 UTC
Spock, stop being weird around your sibling's significant others. :| Maybe he's being protective? Maybe? Not just weird?

So much drama in this update, wow. It's better than Eastenders, aha :')

And those la Force lips! I am going to have to have them in my legacy. SOON. x)


uselaforce May 25 2012, 01:09:55 UTC
Could be! Maybe he was just trying to scare Dakota and Saffron off so they couldn't potentially hurt his siblings? I dunno, apparently Spock ~works in mysterious ways~ xD

I know! Those damn teenagers and the twisted webs of drama they weave.
/says the nineteen year old who is still technically a teenager

EEEEEEP, I can't wait! :D I'd love to see a La Force featured in the Sordeaus. <3


paradox_sims May 25 2012, 18:06:57 UTC
Finally got to catch up with my favorite family after having this update open on my computer for wayyy too long!

The love triangle drama with Nyota, Uhura, and their respective love interests was awesome! That was definitely a twist to find out that Natalie and Uhura are actually playing for the other side, if you know what I mean ;)

I LOL'd at Dakota's "dad" hahahahaha

Also, gotta love Spock and his creeper ways <3 I must admit I did originally want J.T. to be heir because of Dakota, but I might have to vote for Spock. SO CONFLICTED!


uselaforce May 25 2012, 21:57:51 UTC
Aw man, you're way too kind. <3 cx

Me too! That was so much fun to play, even if it was a little hectic. I had originally planned for Nyota and Saffron to get together right away, and same with Uhura and Natalie, but then Story Progression decided it liked Saffron and Natalie together better. >.< So I had to improvise! Haha.

Dakota's "dad" is an interesting one. xD Certainly not as awesome as her actual dad.

Me too. He's creepy, but in a lovable way! <3 Kind of like their old simbot Meg, haha. But I KNOOOOOW agh! I kept changing favorites this gen, I just wanted them all to win. D: Haha, thanks for reading bb!


paradox_sims May 27 2012, 01:44:10 UTC
Well it's true ;)

Damn story progression! Atleast it makes for interesting simmie dramaz.

Aw, you're too sweet <33

OMG MEG! She was the definition of creeper. Maybe that's where Spock learned it from...hmmm...


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