The La Force Legacy: Generation 6, Ch. 3

Mar 30, 2012 20:48

WARNINGS: Language, adult themes, and a UNICORN YOU GUYS OMG!!!1!one     

Saria and Septimus were married, then honeymooned in France. Navi became an elder kitty. Rogue payed her nephew Rudolph (Thor's son) a visit, and scared some book learnin' into him. Saria fell pregnant and later gave birth to J.T. La Force. She also caught up with her sister Zelda and Zelda's husband, Devin (randuhh) and met Chadd, their adorable son. Rogue found a falcon and named him Captain. Go!

Just a quick heads up: this is the first chapter I played on my new laptop, so there will be spam. I apologize in advance. xD Plus I changed my skin defaults, so everybody looks slightly different now. It's a good kind of different, I promise. LET THE SPAMMING COMMENCE:

Alright, now that that's out of the way, we can get on with the chapter. Bowser finally came back to haunt, but all he ever does is work out. Reminds me of when he was just a boy. (':

Saria's been attempting to be a responsible mother by teaching little J.T. here how to walk.

Saria: "C'mon J.T., you can do it! Walking's just like crawling, only.. without the help of your hands. So I suppose that makes it a great deal harder. Hm."

He manages, though.

J.T.: "Holy shit that was the most terrifying moment of my existence."

The La Forces live right by a waterfall in Sunset Valley, so often a small crowd of people will form on the outskirts of their property. Zelda, Devin, and their son Chadd were in that crowd one day.

They mostly did adorable things like hold hands and flirt. And hey, I finally rid Devin of his legacy hair!

I gave Chadd a little makeover too. <3

So yeah, there they were, just minding their own business, when this guy tried butting in to their conversation.

Devin was not pleased.

Devin: "Look man, I'm just trying to enjoy a nice afternoon outside with my wife and our son. Could you maybe, I dunno, leave us alone?"
BaldGuy: "Oh, Mother was right! I'm terrible at making friends."

Saria went outside to say hello to her sister, but was stopped by Devin.

Saria: "Uh... Dev? I think you've got the wrong sister."
Devin: "Whoa, Saria?! I'm sorry, I must have gotten confused there for a sec, 'cause, uh.. y'know, you and your sister... look so much.. alike?"

Nice try Dev, but Saria and Zelda are from a set of fraternal triplets.

Zelda: "I have the strangest feeling that something is going on behind my back... literally."

Devin: "Can we.. never speak of this again?"
Saria: "As long as you promise to never pull something like this ever again, yes please for the love of god."
Devin: "Deal."

Saria had her own special way of forgetting about Devin's advances.

J.T. is the first La Force child to try out the baby swing.

Surprisingly, he had a good time.

Rogue and Puck are still in love and adorable as ever, in case you were wondering.

<3 I love them.

Another Gen. 7 baby is on its way. (:

Septimus has gotten into the habit of running everywhere he goes. Even while carrying his first born son.

Septimus: "How else do you expect me to become a superstar athlete? I gotta keep my training up!"

You could, I dunno, use a treadmill like a normal sim? Just a thought.

Meanwhile, J.T.'s cuteness was invading my heart oh god sjhfkjshd<3

Septimus is really stoked on Saria's second pregnancy. During the first one he was pretty oblivious, but now he's constantly rolling wishes about Saria's tummy. Both parents want a girl this time. (:

So the La Forces' maid is kind of terrible at his job. Exibit A: he dances rather than cleans.

LFMaid: "Oh shit, here comes the boss. Maybe I should have dusted the shelves or something in those two straight hours of dancing."


Rogue: "Dammit Noah, this is the third time this week I caught you dancing on the job! I'm not paying you to shake your ass!"

Noah: "I know, I know.. please don't fire me, Mrs. La Force. I really need this job!"
Rogue: "That's what you said last week. I'm sorry, but I think I'm going to have to let you go."

Noah: "Know what? Fuck you, fuck working for this family, you're all bitches. I quit."

Rogue: "YOU ARE SPEAKING TO A LADY, SIR. You kiss your mother with that mouth?"

It was around this point that Rogue got really pissed and I wanted her to have her revenge by getting into a fight with him (Norma style), but he left. :/ You'll get 'em next time, Rogue.

Rogue: "If he wants to take the low road, let him. You're the bigger person here, the better person. He'll get his someday."

Rogue: "..Stupid prick."

You guys you guys you guyssss, I have fluff. :'D

Sep broke the computer and had a nervous breakdown.

Septimus: "All I wanted was a nice afternoon consisting of viral videos with cute little kitties and puppies in them. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?"

Puck to the rescue! And yay, he didn't die in the process.

Baby time!

Meet Uhura La Force, a disciplined hydrophobe who enjoys rockabilly, mac and cheese, and the color aqua.

And here's Nyota La Force, an athletic hydrophobe who likes chinese music, key lime pie, and the color purple. Twin girls named after the same character, I'm getting déjà vu from Gen. 2. (;

The girls were aged up promptly because I have no patience. Here's Uhura, who inherited Bowser's black hair. Not quite sure where her eyes come from, but she's adorable.

And here we have Nyota, who is the spitting image of her father. Also adorable. <3

J.T. is also aged up, but it's actually his birthday so it's all good.

As you can tell from the look on his face, J.T. gained mean-spirited for this third trait, making him a neurotic, mean-spirited athlete. Ho boy. Maybe Saria shouldn't have given up on teaching him how to walk so quickly.

It took him a while to quit scowling at the camera, but when he did, I found out he's rather cute.

J.T.'s first act as a child is to check out the slide outside.

J.T.: "It's cool J.T., you can do this. YOU CAN DO THIS." *hyperventilates*

There's that neurotic trait.

J.T.: "CRAP ON A SPATULA THAT WAS SO SCARY. I mean. I got this. It's cool guys."

So Saria's expecting again. Yeeup.

Saria and Sep love their girls. <3 Sep you have the craziest look in your eye js.

I'm having the hardest time believing this kid is mean-spirited. He makes the sweetest little faces!

And he made a sand castle! Mean kids don't make sand castles. Right?


Nyota fell asleep in the baby swing. :3 N'aww.

This is when that mean-spirited trait started to make itself known. Turns out J.T. likes to pick fights, specifically with his grandfather.

J.T.: "When was the last time you did something nice for Grandma? Huh? HUH?"

Puck: "Well, I.. I gave her a foot rub last night, but I suppose I could take her out to eat this weekend?"

J.T.: "I hope you do, Grandpa. For your sake."

Puck: "O-okay."

Puck pretty much avoids J.T. at all costs now.

YOU GUYS MY FIRST UNICORN SLDHFKJHSKD so basically I am a six year old girl. Yes.

I sent Saria over there right away, her LTW being Fairytale Finder. Now, I knew she wouldn't have a chance in hell adopting him just yet (unicorns only let sims with the ~super special hidden wildlife animal skill~ adopt them and all Saria's done is watch a deer) but I thought I'd sent her over there anyway to get to know him.

Saria: "You're pretty. Be my unicorn."

Unicorn: "Yeah, come back and talk to me when you're BFFs with a raccoon. Then maybe I'll let you adopt me. But you have sugar cubes. So. CONFLICTED."

That brings us to the end of this chapter. Next time:

• More J.T. being... J.T.
• I got Showtime so.. probably some Showtime stuff
• Babies
• Birthdays
• Yeeup

Thanks for reading! ♥

la force, ts3, sims 3, legacy

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