All I've been able to think about all weekend is PETS PETS OH MY GOD PETS ON TUESDAY (and yes, that's what my thoughts sound like) but I've managed to distract myself long enough to bring you another LF update! Here ya go.
Rogue met Puck Summerdream and seemed to get along well with him, despite her dislike for most other kids in her grade. Bowser convinced Juliet Verona to do the nasty with him in the past, which resulted in the conception of a fully grown man named Stark. Rogue scared the pigtails off Bottom Summerdream, Puck’s younger sister. Bowser met (and had sex with) Fern’s younger sister, Fawn. He felt like shit afterwards and therefore decided to change his ways. Apparently sleeping with your son’s aunt’ll do that to you. Onward!
This chapter begins with all the adults in the La Force household leaving for a mysterious “free vacation”... hmmmm.
Nolan: “I know Rogue likes that Summerdream boy. I just wanted to give her the chance to talk to him without any of us old timers interrupting. You’re only young once, you know.”
But before Rogue can invite Puck over, Thor’s gotta have his birthday first.
Thor: “I know, I know. Always the inconvenience child.”
My word, he looks just like Bowser. Thor aged up with Brave as his fourth trait.
After she returned home from school the next day, Rogue decided to take advantage of the empty house and throw a party. Puck was the first person she invited.
Apparently Rogue only knows one teenage girl, so looks like this little shindig is gonna be a sausagefest.
Guy in White: “There better be teddy bears. I am SO out if there aren’t any teddy bears.”
No idea who this kid is, but he spent most of the evening fangirling over Thor, who’s managed to become a two star celebrity just from hanging out with his famous grandpa all the time.
Fangirl: “Ohmigosh, THOR LA FORCE is here?! The Thor La Force!?” *SQUEE*
Thor wasn’t impressed. He chose to ignore everyone and watch TV most of the time.
Rogue, of course, hung around Puck for the majority of the evening.
Puck: “Hey, thanks for totally freaking out my sister. I’m pretty sure that was the last time she’ll ever put hair dye in my shampoo, haha. I owe you one.”
Rogue: “Don’t mention it, Summerdream.”
Thor did manage to finally get off his ass and talk to the one girl (besides Rogue of course) at the party. I can’t remember her name, but they didn’t seem to have much of a connection as I found Thor back by the TV shortly after their conversation.
And he wasn’t even watching TV. He was watching someone watch a blank TV screen. That’s gotta be insulting for the girl.
This kid mostly stood around by the stereo. It’d make sense if he was dancing, but as you can clearly see, that was not the case.
This kid was the worst of them all. It was 6:30 PM! Why is he tired at 6:30 at night? Partying is obviously not these kids’ forte.
Back outside, things were getting cozy between Rogue and Puck.
Puck: “Rogue, you’re like, the coolest girl I know. And there’s something I wanna tell you-” *car door slams*
Bowser: “Oh Roooo-ooogue! Thoooor! The adults are home! When I get in there I better not see boys or obvious indicators that a party was held here while we were gone-”
Rogue: “Shit! You better go. Later Puck, I gotta go straighten things up.”
Puck: “But-”
Nolan: “What a good boy. Asleep in his bed this whole time.”
Thor: “You know everything, don’t you?”
Nolan: “You bet your ass I do.”
Bowser: “So Rogue, Grandma Teak tells me that you like that Summerdream kid.. You know, I hear that prom’s coming up, why don’t you ask him? Provided that he’s an upstanding young man and passes each and every one of my intricate tests, of course.”
Rogue: “Oh my god, just kill me now.”
That embarrassing conversation Rogue had with Bowser gave her an idea- prom was the perfect place the two of them could be alone. She could finally tell him whatever it was she seemed to be feeling for him. Rogue paid the Summerdream household a visit that night to ask Puck to prom. Titiana, Puck’s mother, was apparently not happy to see Rogue.
Titiana: “Brown-haired harlot.. coming to steal my little Puck away from me...” *grumblegrumble*
Puck: “Mother!”
Rogue: “It’s cool. Apparently my name gives mothers the impression that I’m some teenage vixen hell-bent on seducing their sons. Or at least that’s what the mother of the last guy I used to hang around said.”
Rogue: “Anyway, Puck. I’m here because I wanted to talk to you about prom.”
Puck: “Haha, prom. That’s a good one. I don’t know anyone who’s going; it’s such a joke.”
Rogue: “Oh! Haha, yeah! Pffft, of course I was joking, are you kidding me? Prom! What a knee-slapper! I mean really, who in their right mind wants to go to prom?” *I do I do I do*
Puck: “Hah, Rogue, you’re hilarious.”
Rogue: “Dear sweet Jesus love on me.”
Puck: “..What?”
Rogue: “I meeeeaaan.. Let’s hug and pretend like I didn’t just say something overtly sexual to you just now!”
Thor ended up going to prom alone. He really didn’t seem to mind.
Thor: “I’m just going for the free food. Oh, and for the girls.
You know how I like it when they walk.”
Rogue went too, despite the fact that she hadn’t asked Puck.
Rogue: “Grandma Teak bribed-er, convinced me. She said if I didn’t go then I’d be grounded-er, I’d regret it later or something. I dunno. She’s crazy.”
Thor seemed to have a much better time than Rogue did.
Thor: “That’s the understatement of the century- I had a great time! My classmates elected me Prom King for some godforsaken reason, and I have a girlfriend now! This super popular chick asked me to dance after I’d been crowned king, no idea why.”
Here’s Rogue’s prom photo- no clue what she’s doing but it’s cute nonetheless. (:
And here’s Thor’s prom photo and prom king crown. Aw, he deserves it.
There hasn’t been a lot of Stark in this chapter, but that’s because he’s decided to start on his LTW as early as possible. Yup, he now has a job in Law Enforcement.
Stark: “Maybe if I bring home a little extra money, Dad will finally love me!”
Aw bb, we love you. <3
In other news, it seems the La Force family maid has been doing some major slacking off as of late. Also he drinks plasma packs, which, y’know, wouldn’t be weird if he was actually a vampire.
Oh no, go ahead. Keep sipping away. It’s not like there are two full plates of rotten autumn salad sitting on the dirty counter or anything. Nope, you are definitely doing your job.
Ecruteak: “You. Out.”
And that’s all she had to say. No one’s insane enough to mess with crazy ol’ Grandma Teak.
That aside, Ecruteak and the family realized they needed a house with more room. Sure, their current residence has a lot of bedrooms, but not enough living space. Not to worry, the La Forces are staying in Barnacle Bay, and even in the same lot...
Just in a lovely new house made by
romaji at MTS.
Shiloh and Anakin (off reaping duty, I see) seem to approve.
Thor was feeling rebellious one morning and decided to skip school. Bowser was not pleased.
Bowser: “What on earth were you thinking, skipping on your second day of school? Is this the kind of impression you intend on making, young man?”
Thor: “Whoa, Dad, chill! You Woohoo on the first date, is that the kind of impression you intend on making?”
Bowser: “That is not- we’re not talking about- I mean- upstairs, mister! No TV, you’re grounded!”
Bowser: “You too, missy! Don’t think you get special treatment just because you’re my little girl!”
Rogue: “But Dad, I was at school today! I didn’t skip!”
Bowser: “A likely story! Go stand in the corner young lady, you’re in time-out!”
Rogue: “Time-out? I’m sixteen! Hell, I didn’t even do anything wrong!”
Bowser: “You heard me. MARCH.”
Rogue: “This... is so... humiliating.”
After Rogue stood around for a few hours (as you can see from the green stench wafting from her armpits) Bowser began to feel bad about the way he treated his daughter.
Bowser: “I’m sorry for punishing you for no actual reason, sweetheart. I guess I’m just having a hard time transitioning from being a completely careless father to.. actually caring. I was a bit hard on you, I can see that now.”
Rogue: “A bit?”
Bowser: “Don’t push it.”
Thor: (from his bedroom) “What about me, Dad? Weren’t you a little hard on me too?”
Bowser: “Nope, sorry Thor. Nobody likes a school skipper.”
Thor: “That’s not what my girlfriend said last night.”
Bowser: “..What was that?”
Thor: “Nothing!”
Rogue: “Aw, he thinks he has a girlfriend. Cute.”
After the kids had fallen asleep, Bowser decided to take a walk down to the beach near their house.
It was a nice place for him to clear his head and really ponder about his life. He’d done plenty of things he wasn’t proud of, but this place made him feel a little better about the mistakes he’d made. It made him feel like maybe he was worthy of a second chance.
And maybe he was.
Bowser: “I’m sorry for bothering you, but I come here often and I’ve never seen anyone else here at this time of night. May I ask what a beautiful woman such as yourself is doing here all alone this late?”
Although, I suppose some things never change.
Mystery Lady: (Laughs) “That was certainly a creative pickup line. But uh, yeah, I dunno. I come here to think from time to time.”
Bowser: “What a coincidence, that’s why I’m here. I’m sorry, I never asked for your name.”
Mystery Lady: “I’m Adrienne. And your name is..?”
Bowser: “Okay, don’t laugh. My mom was really into the Super Mario games while she was pregnant with me and my brother and sisters, so.. she named me Bowser.”
Adrienne: “That’s... unique. But cute.”
The two got to talking about themselves and learned they had quite a bit in common. Both came from reasonably large families, and both confessed they’d always felt a bit like black sheep. It turns out that Adrienne had been married, but her husband left her a few years back due to her drinking problem. And I think we all know about Bowser’s history with women. He was able to confide nearly everything to her upon just meeting; she was that easy to talk to.
It was just nice for the both of them to have someone to sit next to and talk to about anything, free from being judged. They sat on that beach until sunrise, when Adrienne finally had to leave for a sleepless day at work. Bowser went home alone, apart from the phone number in his pocket.
This chapter comes to a close here, my friends. Tune in next time for:
- Rogue and Puck still playing the good ol’ “will they/won’t they” game
- I should stop mentioning birthdays because those are a given in any legacy but what the heck BIRTHDAYS
- Graduation! Oooou, more Generations stuff<3
- More Bowser minus the manwhoreliness? Possibly
- More things I can’t remember
Thanks a bunch for taking the time to read, you’re all lovely. See ya!