The La Force Legacy: Generation 4, Ch. 2

Sep 09, 2011 03:13

AW HELL YEAH, got another update for you guys. And hey, it only took me a week rather than months and months and- well, you get the idea. And! And, I managed to put all of the generation 4 kids up for download! Check it out and download a few (if you'd like, that is) here.


The twins and Meg the simbot moved out. Bowser was revealed to be our generation 4 heir. Torri, the former La Force family maid, became infatuated with Bowser and eventually ended up pregnant with his child. She gave birth to adorable little Rogue La Force shortly before moving out forever, but not before she managed to piss everyone in the household off. Rogue entered toddlerdom. Bowser went back out on the prowl and managed to sack local celebrity Fern Annan and gain a celebrity star, all at the same time. Go!

We begin this chapter with the eighteenth birthday of Mario La Force.

Mario: “Because I’m fucking AWESOME.”

Mario: “AW SHIT, the puberty sparkles have returned!”
Padmé: “Mario honey, you've already been through puberty. Bowser, did you tell your brother another ludicrous story about ‘the puberty sparkles’ again?”
Bowser: “..Might’ve slipped out, I suppose...”


Ahem. Mario rolled Hates the Outdoors for his fifth and final trait. That makes him an Evil, Perceptive, Light-Sleeping, Outdoors Hating Slob. Sounds about right. Oh yes, and his LTW is The Tinkerer.

Unfortunately, it was time for Mario to move out. Goodbye Mario, I shall miss you.
Mario: "Oh, you'll see me around.."

And see him around I did. I found him chatting up some old lady one night while browsing around Barnacle Bay.

Old Lady: “I just got back from hip replacement surgery, whaddya say we test these old bones out?”
Mario: “You’re almost as old as my grandma. Hot.”

And then, as if by some strange coincident, Peach strolled out of the gym at that very moment.

Mario: “You. Me. My place. I’ll make you oatmeal afterwards.”
Old Lady: “Well, that just sounds lovely!”
Peach: “Oh, the things I can’t un-hear.”

Back at home, Ecruteak was having some serious bonding time with her granddaughter. She hadn’t had much time to spend with her because of her job in the private investigator career.

Ecruteak: “It’s not your fault that your father’s a slut and your mother’s a dead-beat whack job. I still love you. And hey, at least you’ve got grandma, the single voice of reason in this crazy family.”
Padmé: “Single voice of reason my ass! That title belongs to yours truly. Honey, speaking as your mother, you’ve had some pretty crazy moments that trump even those of Torri’s.”
Ecruteak: “Yes, mother. I’d rather not bring those moments up in front of the toddler, thank you.”
Padmé: “I’m just sayin’!”

Unbeknownst to Bowser, something terrible had happened down in the kitchen.

Fern: “Oh my goodness.. Bowser, I have wonderful news!”
Bowser: “I KNOW! Grandma made waffles for breakfast, score!”

Fern: “No, Bowser, it’s even better than that! I’m pregnant!”
Bowser: “That’s... great. Just great.”
Nolan: “JESUS CHRIST SON, THAT IS THE SECOND TIME THIS MONTH. You better cool your jets, boy.”
Bowser: “I’m sensing some innuendo here.”

Finding out that he had a second child on the way reminded Bowser of his first child, and decided to try to be a good father for once and teach Rogue to talk.

Bowser: “Daddy’s done some pretty sketchy things and so now the whole family is embarrassed of him. Grandpa says that if Daddy doesn’t buckle down and apologize to everyone for his actions, then Daddy will be out of the house faster than you can say ‘man-whore’. Can you say apologize?”
Rogue: “Apowogize!”
Nolan: “‘Beg for forgiveness’ is more like it.”
Rogue: “Beg... fo’ fowgiveness!”
Nolan: “That’s my girl!”

The next morning was already Rogue’s birthday. Jesus Christ, I can’t believe how quickly this gen seems to be going by already!

Rogue added Over-Emotional to her arsenal of traits. She’s already got this musician quality to her, and I really like it.

Rogue: “Yes, because every little girl dreams of playing for tips on street corners while living off ramen noodles when she grows up.”

She’s also a bit of a smartass.

Rogue’s first wish as a child was to take an art class, and I gladly obliged.

Rogue: “Anything to get away from dad and that strange lady that dad got pregnant. She insists I call her ‘mommy’, do you believe that?”

Actually, I do. But don’t worry, I don’t think she’ll be sticking around for very long anyway. Jeez, this generation is kind of sad.

Back at home, it was time for Ecruteak to become an old lady. This is the first time in recent memory that I was actually excited for one of my sims to become an elder. Ecruteak’s gonna be a crazy ol’ coot, I can already tell.

Ecruteak: “My youth! I can feel it fleeting away from me!”
Padmé: “Sucks, doesn’t it?”

Using the good old “screw it, I’m old” excuse, Ecruteak has decided to dye her hair a bright shade of red.

Ecruteak: “Yup! I took one look in the mirror, saw my greying locks and said, ‘Screw it, I’m old’ shortly before paying a visit to the salon. Life’s good with red hair.”

And good it was- Nolan and Ecruteak seemed to have found that spark that had been missing from their relationship.

Rogue: “You know I’m standing right here, right?”

Rogue: “STILL HERE. And I gotta tell ya, this old people relationship sandwich you’ve got me in is really unpleasant for me. Just sayin’.”

The next morning, Fern went into labor.

Bowser: “OHSHITOHSHIT what do I do?!”
Fern: “You already have a kid, you should know these things!”
Bowser: “In theory I should, but y’know, I pretty much made myself scarce when Rogue was born. That’s what all dads do, right?”

Father of the Year award right here, ladies and gentlemen. NO. BETTER THAN THAT. ALL THE AWARDS.

That very day just so happened to be the same day that Rogue began elementary school. I just realized, I’ve never seen a happy kid on the school bus. They all look so dead inside. They should be happy, they’re in for a day filled with snacks, nap time, glue, and virtually no homework. Just be happy you haven’t been subjected to high school yet, kiddo.

Rogue: “Well, that was delightfully ominous. Thanks for making me forever afraid of high school.”

PFFFFT, join the club. I'm out of high school and the goddamned place still terrifies me. D:

Back inside, Fern had just given birth to a baby boy with the name Thor La Force. He was named after the hammer-wielding Norse god/superhero residing in Asgard. His traits are Clumsy and Friendly, and his favorites are Pop music, Goopy Carbonara, and the color Orange.

Fern: “Well Bowser, it’s been fun, but my guy Marcus just bought me a mansion on the other side of town so I’m out. Enjoy the kid, you can have him. Toodles!”

And then she was gone. Two down, three more to go.

Time to age up “the kid”, as Fern called him.

Padmé: “Yet another child in this family growing up without a mother. What is wrong with young people these days?”

Aw, Thor’s a little cutie pie! Looks almost exactly like his father, save the hair color which I believe is his mother’s. D’awww.

Despite what Nolan says about Bowser, he really tries hard to be a good daddy for his kids. He just seems to show it more when nobody is looking, for some rather stupid reason.

Rogue: “‘Virtually no homework’? Yeah right, these fractions are HARD.”

How was I supposed to know first graders do fractions now?! Madness, madness I say!

By the next morning, it was time for (yup, you guessed it) MORE BIRTHDAYS.

Sadly, the only one who had enough interest in watching Nolan become an old sack of bones was his wife.

Ecruteak: “Well, when your husband insists on having his birthday at the crack of dawn, that tends to happen. You know Bowser doesn’t even get out of bed until two in the afternoon, right?”
Nolan: “That lazy good for nothing.. Oh my GOD. It’s begun. I’m speaking Old. But I’m a musician, I promised myself I’d never let this happen! That lazy bastard better get a job soon, or he’s out! He’s in his twenties for God’s sake! OH GOD THERE IT IS AGAIN.”

Nolan makes a pretty cute old chap, I must say. And look, he’s even kept his lip ring in. Now that’s a cool old guy.

Nolan: “It’s the only part of my youth I have left!”

Nolan: “At least I still have you, Teaky.”
Ecruteak: “And you always will.”

D’aw, my favorite elderly couple forever. <3

While Bowser was prowling around the park, he ran into this fine, upstanding young man serving his country. AKA his evil little brother, Mario. I’m a little afraid to ask, but what happened?

Mario: “Oh, you know. Got into a few little scuffs here and there. Started working at the local criminal warehouse. Sold some strange things, met strange people, banged a few old ladies, and got involved in some peculiar situations. And so I joined the military! Partially to redeem myself as a human being, and partially because it was required. By law. So here I am.”

Mario: “Whoa! Fancy meeting you here, bro. So how ya been? How’re mom and dad?”

Bowser: “Um, they’re fine... me? Not so good. I’ve done some things that I’m not proud of, and my family’s suffering because of it. You know I have two kids now? Rogue and Thor. Thor’s my little guy, he’s a toddler, and Rogue.. she’s my beautiful little girl, she’s too smart for her own good. I really owe it to them to be there for them and be a good dad, but I don’t know if I’m up to the challenge. I don’t think I’m good enough.”

Mario: “Are you kidding me? I’m sure you’re a great father! You took real good care of me when we were kids, I know that much. I’m sure that whatever it is you’ve done, your kids will forgive you for it in the end.”

Bowser: “...I dunno about that. It’s bad. As in, ‘they have different mothers’ bad. Both of which are never around anymore. That’s my fault. And wait- when did you get so nice? It’s kind of weirding me out, to be honest.”

Mario: “Brother, I am surprised at you! Have I not always been nice?”
Bowser: “Well, I wouldn’t exactly consider putting laxatives in my cereal when we were teenagers ‘nice’...”
Mario: “Alright, point taken. But I’ve grown up quite a bit since then!”

Bowser: “That’s good to hear. Well anyway, thanks for the reassurance, I really appreciate it.”
Mario: “Anytime bro, anytime. You just gotta find the right girl for you and all your problems will be solved.”
Bowser: “Hmm...”

“The Right Girl”? That had never occurred to Bowser before. He’d never set out looking for “The Right Girl”, just “A Girl”. And that had always been enough. But suddenly he didn’t feel that way.

So that’s what was on his mind when Bowser went to the library that afternoon and met Juliet Verona. He was considering actually doing things the old fashion way. Doing things the right way.

But unfortunately, he didn’t have much time to try the “right” way out, as Padmé La Force had passed on while painting that evening.

Even poor little Rogue was there to witness her great grandmother’s death. Padmé had been the closest thing to a mother that she ever had.


Anakin the Grim Reaper: “Sup.”


Rogue: “WHO” *sob* “THE HECK” *sob* “IS ANAKIN?” *sniff*

Anakin is your great great uncle. When he died he became the Grim Reaper’s apprentice and began Basic Reaper Training in the afterlife. Looks like he finally got the job.

Rogue: *sniff* “This is all so much to take in... Great Grandma’s dead, and.. my great great uncle is the Grim Reaper? Nothing makes sense anymore.” *sob*

Anakin: “Hey sis, how’ve ya been? The Afterlife is fucking awesome, don’t worry. And being the Grim Reaper KICKS ASS. Takin’ souls and shit, it’s like this job was made for me! Anyway, ready to go? I got you a headstone, pretty fuckin’ spiffy eh?”
Padmé: “In a moment, Ani... I’m still a little in shock.”
Anakin: “Alright Pad, take your time.”

Several hours and a billion teary goodbyes later...

Padmé: “Please Anakin, is there anything I can do to stay? I love my family, and quite frankly, they’d be lost without me. I’m begging. Pleading. Please, please let me stay with my family..”
Anakin: “Look, sis... I wish there was something I could do, but it’s against the rules. When it’s your time, it’s your time. That’s just the way it goes. I’m sorry.”
Padmé: “..Okay. I’ll come with you. Goodbye everyone, I love you all... Oh, and Ecruteak? You straighten your son out, okay? The La Force family is not a bunch of whores and I will not have him tainting my dear mother’s name. Set him straight, you hear me? Goodbye, I’m sure I will be back. It is so good to see you, Anakin..”

And then they were gone. Padmé was buried out back next to her husband, Bryce.

R.I.P. Padmé La Force, age 91 (technically, like I said her age was somehow reset when the family relocated to Barnacle Bay, so in reality she was probably much closer to 120 but ANYWAY).
Padmé was always one of my favorite members of the La Force family, probably because she reminded me so much of Shiloh (both physically and sometimes personality-wise). She was sweet, but sure as hell didn’t take any shit from anybody. One of Padmé’s many skills was handiness; she repaired nearly everything in the house at least twice. She was also a fantastic painter, so it seems appropriate that she should die with a paintbrush in hand. She was probably the best daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother that anyone could ask for. Obviously, she will be missed. <3

It seemed nearly the entire La Force clan was heartbroken over Padmé’s death... strangely, all except for Rogue.


In other news, Bowser has a totally (appropriate) pimptastic bed now. I giggle every time I see it.

Ecruteak: “EVERYONE IN MY FAMILY IS DEAD.” *dramatic sob*

Y’know Teak, I’m sure your brothers and sisters are still alive.

Ecruteak: “Yeah but SOMEONE DIDN’T MOVE THEM WITH US TO BARNACLE BAY.” *more dramatic sobs*

OH OKAY, the one thing that failed to cross my mind while moving you guys! Hey, at least I remembered Shiloh, huh? Huh? *attempts to nudge elbows but only ends up elbowing the computer screen*

OH BOY MORE BIRTHDAYS~ Seriously, when the hell did this happen? I literally got ONE picture of toddler!Thor. Well shit. Must’ve been a lot going on while he was.. toddlering.

Weeeelp here’s one to make up for ignoring you. Sorry kiddo.

Thor: “Heheheheh FUKYEW.”

My goodness, kids these days.

Oh my good golly gosh HE LOOKS JUST LIKE BOWSER. You know I can’t resist giving my sims glasses<3 Anyway, Thor aged up with Absent-Minded as his third trait.

Thor: “So will I be ignored all throughout childhood too?”

So many smart mouths on the kids this gen! I blame the lack of a mother figure.

Oh yeah. So it’s Rogue’s birthday too. SIXTH BIRTHDAY THIS CHAPTER, wutwut~ That’s gotta be a record for us. Go us, we apparently have an endless supply of birthday cake.

Thor: “Oh look, fourth picture I’ve been in this chapter! Now that’s gotta be a record too.”
Rogue: “Shut up Thor, this is my moment.”

*cue Rebecca Black’s My Moment*

Well DAAAAYUM GURL, someone’s fine as hell. Rogue rolled Vehicle Enthusiast as her fourth trait, which made me lol. She’s got virtuoso, artistic, over-emotional, and at that point I was thinking “oh cool, she’s got this ~tortured artist~ vibe I can roll with” then BAM, frickin’ vehicle enthusiast slaps itself right on her list of traits! Ah well. I’ll make it work.

Rogue: “Hey. I just like cars. It’s not a big deal unless you make it a big deal.”

First act as a teenager? Gossiping with her little brother, of course.

Rogue: “So dad’s this super hardcore man-whore, and it’s basically the most hilarious thing in the world.”
Thor: “LOL SO HILARIOUS so whatever happened to our moms?”
Rogue: “Not a clue. Also, I just don’t give a shit.”
Thor: “LOL ME NEITHER LOL yes I do I give a shit so hard so so hard.”

That brings us to the end of this chapter! Tune in next time for:
-Adventures in Teenage Love with Rogue La Force!
-More of Bowser’s hoes! I’ve aptly named them Bowes.
-Or maybe he’ll change his ways forever. Who knows.

...I know. See you next time, thanks for reading!

la force, ts3, legacies, the sims 3, la force legacy, legacy

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