Sorry for the wait! Life soared in once again, and so did a smidgen of laziness, and... so did Pokémon Black. XD I love that game so much omg. Luckily I found time to post tonight! Also, I'm sure most of you have already heard, but just in case you haven't:
The Sims 3 Generations and
The Sims 3 Unleashed.
OMGOMGOMG. Freaking out until May (Generations rumored release date) and October (Unleashed rumored release date). 8D
Daisy and Peach grew from infants to toddlers, then from toddlers to children. Bryce retired. Ecruteak and Nolan exchanged wedding vows in front of the entire La Force clan. Nolan was especially popular with (and stalked by) Ecruteak’s older sisters. We finally found a magical gnome, HELL YES. Lastly, Ecruteak fell pregnant and gave birth to a little boy named Bowser. You may advance!
Speaking of which, this is Bowser’s room, decorated in purple for his Barney fetish favorite color.
And this is Angel, the family’s first gnome. I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s quite infatuated with Padmé, as he’s always standing in front of her portrait or lurking on her side of the bed.
Ecruteak: “I TOLD YOU THEY EXISTED! BUT DOES ANYONE LISTEN TO ME? NO! THEY CALL ME CRAZY, CRAZY OL’ TEAK. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a garbage can I must attend to. Good day.”
That artistic trait definitely runs in the La Force family. First it was Shiloh, then Padmé, then Olivine, and now Daisy. It’s kind of nice having someone painting each generation.
I’m kind of surprised that Peach doesn’t have the computer whiz trait. She’s always playing video games, either on Ecruteak’s laptop or on the console.
Meanwhile, there was a small birthday party in order for Bowser.
Lookin’ pretty good so far! He’s got his mother’s hair and skintone, his father’s eyes (finally!), and I’m pretty sure he’s got Shiloh’s/Padmé’s/Ecruteak’s pouty lips. I love how these things pass down through generations. :D
Ecruteak is movin’ on up in the detective business! Now she’s got the door to prove it.
Out in the garage, Padmé had once again managed to almost blow herself up.
Padmé: “All in a day’s work for a good inventor- if you don’t receive third degree burns at least once a day, you’re doing something wrong.”
It seems Shiloh has finally taken to haunting the house- she appears nearly every night now.
Just some Bowser cutespam. For some reason he seems to prefer his sisters' toys over his own.
Bowser: “DEY have a boat. Where’s mah boat, MISSY?”
Daisy wasn’t too fond of her little brother right off the bat.
Daisy: “Can’t we, like, return him or something, mom?”
Ecruteak: “Sorry girlie, toddlers are nonrefundable. I checked.”
Daisy must have channeled her feelings of dislike for Bowser into her art, because she finished this later that day.
Painting replacement mod, I still can’t get over how great you are. <3
Once again, I click on Peach’s icon to see what she’s up to, and I find her with a controller in her hands.
Peach: “Don’t talk to me! Baby Mario is practically raping me at Mario Kart Wii! OH PEACH YOU LITTLE WHORE.”
Language! You’re like, seven! Also, why aren’t you playing as Peach? Her being your namesake and all.
Peach: “Peach sucks.
Weegie’s where it’s at.”
I won’t argue with you there. :D
Around 3 in the AM, Angel decided to try to impress Padmé again.
Bryce: “Padmé, sweetheart, that strange little garden gnome is at your bedside again..”
Padmé: “Mrrggh.. huh?”
Angel the Gnome: “Aye.. Miss Padmé be more loverly than all the seven seas. Yarrrrg! LOVE ME, YOU BOOTYFUL SIREN!”
Why do I always imagine the gnomes speaking like pirates?! THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW. XD
The next morning, I found Ecruteak tiptoeing around the local salon/tattoo parlor.
Ecruteak: “These people don’t sanitize their needles, AND I’M GONNA PROVE IT.”
There isn’t much of a reason for this picture, other than I just like it a lot. Silly Teak.
Some time later...
Ecruteak: “Case closed, turns out they do sanitize their needles. But it’s their mouths that need sanitizing, sheesh! Those people almost swear as much as my seven year old.”
Surprisingly, something good came from Bryce’s constant drilling in the last chapter. Looks like he found something... or someplace. The daredevil she is, Padmé decided to check it out.
Padmé: “If anything happens to me, tell Ecruteak and the children that I love them. Oh, and tell Bryce he fucked up big time.”
Padmé: “Wait! I change my mind! WHAT IF THERE ARE GNOMES DOWN THERE? I get enough unwanted gnome attention in my own bed!”
..That sounded dirty. (;
*Yawns* Well see you later Padmé, tell me how it goes when you get back from Rapist Gnome City, I hear it’s nice there in the winter.. (:<
A few hours later...
SO? Did the gnomes get too grabby or what?
Padmé: “Actually, it turned out to be an underground civilization of trolls, not gnomes. And trolls, as it turns out, are much more civil than gnomes! I went on a nice tour of their small town, without any unwanted touching, and then had a delicious cup of tea at one of their coffee houses. It was a good evening.”
Well. There’s an odd turn of events for ya. :P
Bryce seemed especially thrilled to have another man around the house, even if he was a pint-sized one.
Bryce: “Repeat after me, Bows: Daddy is not a man. Daddy wears women’s jeans and has a fishhook in his lip. Grandpa is a man, he wears comfortable pants that don’t cling to his bulge and thinks that all that metal on daddy’s face looks ridiculous!”
Bowser: “Daddy... wedickulus!”
Bryce: “That’s my boy.”
Forgive me, for it’s TODDLER PICSPAM TIEMZ.
Meanwhile, Ecruteak was out spouting nonsense to interviewing a fellow insane sim.
Ecruteak: “I see. And so what’s your hand’s name again, Miss? Marcus? Well, hello there Marcus. Maybe you can answer a few questions for me.”
Miss/Marcus: *Speaking out the side of her mouth* “Well, I suppose I could try. Though I probably don’t know much more than the body I’m connected to...”
Ecruteak: “I’m only gonna ask you this once, so you better listen up. Where were you on the night of the twenty-third?”
Miss/Marcus: “Attached to this old bag, where else?”
!Comedy drums.
Ecruteak: “Don’t you get cute with me now, Marcus! I have photographic PROOF that you were on the Whelohffs’ lawn the night of the twenty-third! IT WAS YOU WHO STOLE THEIR FLAMINGO!”
Miss/Marcus: “Well yes, when you put it that way, I suppose it was me.”
Ecruteak: “That’s all I wanted to hear.”
Back at home, Angel was once again in a place where he shouldn’t have been- spying on Nolan in the bathroom as he showered.
Angel: “Ayeee, he may not have as many luscious curves as Miss Padmé, but those spotted legs sure be somethun’ ter look at. Shiver me timberrrrs.” (;
Peach and Daisy brought home this girl from school. I can’t remember her name right now, but her genes look promising. YO BOWSER, HURRY AND AGE UP SO YOU CAN HOOK UP WITH THIS CUTIE.
/is weird because we’re talking about a child and a toddler here lolol.
The girls didn’t seem to be adjusting to elementary school very well. They struggled with their homework as their father slept, their mother worked, and as their grandparents didn’t give a shit because they’re retired and feel the need to sit around and do nothing all day. I’M LOOKING AT YOU, BRYCE.
Peach: “Next time that bus comes around, we’re skipping.”
Daisy: “Oh heck yes we are.”
After she finally finished her homework, Peach headed upstairs for some playtime.
Peach: “When TS3 Generations is released, the Great Overseer will purchase it and build me a treehouse just like this! Then I can be alone forever and ever. And ever, and ever, and ever...”
Loner sims creep me out sometimes. 8/ Also! I know for a fact you won’t be a child anymore by the time Generations is released, Peachy. Spoiler alert: you’re already a YA in my game. :3
Poor girl. I think I harass her a little too often.
I know I’ve been sort of neglecting Anakin in the past couple chapters, so here’s picture of Ol’ Ani eating his breakfast for your entertainment. He’s working all the time so it’s getting harder to fit him in some of the chapters. I still love him though. <3
Anakin: “Who you callin’ old? You’re old. Fuck you.”
I still still love him though. <3
I don’t even remember how or where, but Padmé found this... somehow. I would have kept it (why? I dunno, lawl), but selling it earned us some major moola.
Bowser’s birthday came around rather fast this time. Eh, I’m not complaining. Toddlers are cute and all, but children are more fun in my opinion. :P
Not bad! He looks a lot like Ecruteak. Bowser rolled Unlucky as his third trait. Poor kid. That seems to be the family trait lately.
Post-makeover! Look at that worried expression, I love him already. <3
Darrin, Gateon and Leah’s son, came home from school with his cousins today. In the last chapter he was a toddler, so I’m guessing he just had a birthday. He’s cute in his little Urkel suspenders. :D
Speaking of his cousins, it was time for the twins to age up already! I feel like their childhood went by really fast. D:
Peach: *is spinning into adolescence*
I was a little worried about how the twins would turn out because they have so much of Nolan in them, but Peach is lookin’ pretty good so far! Her fourth trait is Childish, just like her father.
Daisy was up next.
Daisy: “You were WORRIED about how we’d turn OUT?! Thanks for the vote of confidence. I dun wanna grow up anymore!”
Daisy: “So? How bad is the damage?”
Not bad. Not bad at all. Daisy also received Childish as her fourth trait.
OH SHIT, two childish teenagers in the house. This is gonna be fun.
The girls’ first day of high school was the next morning. It was Bowser’s first day of elementary school too, but his teenage sisters couldn’t bear to be seen with him.
Daisy: “I mean, do you blame us? His name is BOWSER for god’s sake! What cute boy wants to be associated with a girl whose little brother’s name is BOWSER.”
Peach: “Hey, I’m just here for the window seat. And to his defense, you’re named after a flower and I, a fruit. Either that or video game princesses, and I think in that case I’d rather be named after the fruit.”
Bowser: “Girls are bitches.”
That they are, buddy.
Back at home, Anakin was having his daily insanity attack.
Anakin: “Hey, you! Yeah, you with the computer mouse! The fuck is this?! I want it removed this instant!”
What.. exactly did you want removed again?
Bryce: “Ignore him. He’s been at it all morning.”
Anakin: “No! No ignoring! LISTENING. Listen. It’s either him or me, buddy! SOMEONE’S GOTTA GO, and it ain’t gonna be me!”
O...kay. Um, “him”, I, uh... I banish you..! From the La Force household. FOREVER. That do the trick?
Anakin: “What kind of fuckery is this?! HE’S STILL HERE! PADM´E, MAKE THIS FUCKER LEAVE.”
Padmé: “I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHO WE’RE TALKING ABOUT. I’m just trying to do the dishes!”
Bryce: “All I wanted was a nice, quiet morning with my book. Is that what I got? Of course not. Not in this family.”
This is essentially a typical morning in the La Force home.
After he calmed down a bit, Anakin found solace in the painting that Shiloh did of R2-D2, the fish he had caught in a public pool, so many years ago. It seemed to make him both happy and sad at the same time-
Anakin: “Please, cut the sappy shit. It’s giving me this weird feeling in my stomach, all warm, and fuzzy, and.. and whole.”
Is it LURRRRRV for your mommy?! :D
Anakin: “Close! But no, this is diarrhea. When you get old, you poop 24/7.”
Good ol’ Ani, sentimental as ever.
And with that, I’ll bring this chapter to a close. Next one should be longer. Next time!
- Big changes for the family! Some good, some not so good.
- That’s all I’m gonna say, because I’m being all ~secretive now. Kind of. Maybe. I dunno. (;
ANYWAY. LATER SK8R<3 <-- Remember when that was cool? Yeah, me neither. See ya! (: