007 | Outskirts of Goldenrod City | Video / Action;

Sep 04, 2011 21:40

[It's late afternoon on the outskirts of Goldenrod City, where Yagyuu has evidently been out training his team; it's a somewhat unusual sight to see them all out of their Pokeballs at once, but at the moment the full roster has been released to roam around the open expanse of field chosen for today's practice grounds ( Read more... )

super doombird courier service, mad pokemon breeding science, always glorious always victorious, the horsemen of the tennisocalypse, earning that gentleman monniker, the perils of dramatic irony, such a nice boy, keeping the repel companies in business, purple = do not want, ▶ goldenrod city, evolution revolution, a lady and her gentleman, their love is so molecular, my pokeymans let me show you them

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Comments 302

[video] sfaccendato September 5 2011, 23:56:17 UTC
Ah, congratulations. Espeon are quite lovely.


[video] usedlaserbeam September 6 2011, 01:04:50 UTC
I take it you have some familiarity with them, Oshitari-kun?


[video] sfaccendato September 6 2011, 01:36:06 UTC
I have one myself, yes. He evolved about a month ago.


[video] usedlaserbeam September 6 2011, 01:39:23 UTC
Then let me extend my own congratulations in turn--albeit belated ones. Was that an evolution you selected for him, or one he chose himself?


[video] flawlesspoison September 5 2011, 23:57:00 UTC
Looks like she decided to evolve by herself.


[video] usedlaserbeam September 6 2011, 01:05:53 UTC
She's always been strong-willed. I can hardly say I'm surprised.


[video] flawlesspoison September 6 2011, 10:09:02 UTC
Well, congratulations on your new evolution.

What type is she now? [He hasn't seen an Espeon before this, so he's curious.

There's also another curious one, appearing on screen and looking at the Espeon. It's another Eeveelution, Leafeon.]


[video] usedlaserbeam September 6 2011, 18:43:20 UTC
[...You know, that's actually a very good question, Shiraishi. And one for which "purple" is probably not the answer. So the video breaks for a minute as Yagyuu retrieves his Gear and points it at Lady to check her new evolution out; a minute later, he's back again.]

She's an Espeon, the Sun Pokemon. A Psychic type that uses air currents to predict the future--and its opponent's next moves.


action. remothering September 8 2011, 05:28:19 UTC
[exhibit a: Jackal in his natural habitat, towel over his shoulders. by his side lumbers a camel, lazy in its gait. they appear to be passing by on a jog when they stumble upon the scene, a sheen of sweat over Jackal's forehead and arms from the workout. even with pokemon roaming left and right, it's only natural to want to stop by for a chat. the camel follows along, sedate. he wipes himself down with the towel as he slows to a walk, approaching.

have a wave, Yagyuu.]



action. usedlaserbeam September 8 2011, 17:05:21 UTC
[At the approach of the apparent strangers, the Vulpix squeaks and darts between the Rapidash's legs, making an almost comical sight as she peeks out from underneath his much larger frame. The others don't seem to mind as much; Phantom knows this person, and Irene recognizes the familiar colors of his jersey, so the two of them regard him with a cursory glance before returning to their own devices.

Lady, of course, is still at Yagyuu's side (where she belongs, in her opinion)--which a careful observer would realize still leaves one team member present but unaccounted for, but that would take a certain level of familiarity with Yagyuu's team in general, and particularly so in knowing which members of his roster one needs most to watch out for.

Have a nod and slight smile back, Jackal. He's pleased to see you.]

Hello, Jackal-kun. Are you running laps, or simply training?


action. remothering September 11 2011, 22:22:25 UTC
Just trainin'. The day's too nice to spend it indoors. 'sides, it's a good way to get to know the neighbourhood.

[he blinks a little following the flurry of movements coming from the small and furry creature that he hadn't taken note of when he arrived, having face the opposite direction on his approach. his hand goes to the back of his hand, rubbing sheepishly.] I didn't scare the little guy, did I? I--

[and then, he breaks off, because his line of sight trails up the sturdy legs crowding around the little fox like a cage all the way up the equine chest, the thick neck, the intelligent eyes, and-- he takes a step back.] Woah. Is that horse really on fire?


action. usedlaserbeam September 11 2011, 22:32:58 UTC
Hm? [He glances up from Lady, gaze turning first to Jackal and then to the pair of Fire Pokemon nearby, somehow unsurprised to see his Vulpix peering out from behind his Rapidash's legs.] Ah, don't mind Masako. It's simply her nature to be shy, I think.

[Meanwhile, Vampa--who has caught on that he's being stared at--tosses his head proudly and regards this new person with an even, almost stern look. He doesn't seem harmful or dangerous, this stranger, so he's not particularly concerned. Especially since he knows Stomp as a fallback plan.

And once again, it's Yagyuu for the assist--]

Indeed he is. But perhaps more surprising still is that he has some innate method of shielding people from the heat, if he so chooses. Fire Pokemon like Vampa tend to be curious that way, in my experience.


video. reimprovise September 8 2011, 05:29:10 UTC
Ah, how willful of her.


video. usedlaserbeam September 8 2011, 17:08:02 UTC
It's her nature. And one I certainly don't mind encouraging.


video. reimprovise September 11 2011, 21:41:43 UTC
It certain made her happy-- that's a very fetching shade of purple.


video. usedlaserbeam September 11 2011, 21:53:11 UTC
I agree, though I do hope the trend won't continue among my roster. Two purple members will be more than enough.


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