OOC: Pokémon Roster;

Mar 27, 2010 11:57

SCYTHER | ♀ | Chie | Lv. 69
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Swarm
Moveset: Vacuum Wave, Quick Attack, Leer, Focus Energy, Pursuit, False Swipe, Agility, Wing Attack, Fury Cutter, Slash, Razor Wind, Double Team, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Double Hit, Air Slash, Swords Dance, Feint

Yosuke's starter Pokémon, Chie definitely has a personality all her own. She decided on her own name after hearing Yosuke talk to the human Chie - and she hasn't looked back since. She adores Yosuke, often tackling and draping her arms around him to show how much she likes him. Not that this ever ends well, constantly getting scrapes from her -- but he appreciates it none the less. She's reliable in battle thus far, willing to go the extra mile for his sake.

MASQUERAIN | ♂ | Hisoka | Lv. 54
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Intimidate
Moveset: Bubble, Quick Attack, Sweet Scent, Water Sport, Scary Face, Stun Spore, Silver Wind, Air Slash, Whirlwind

Caught during the swarm in the midst of the rain, Hisoka is... what Yosuke expects of a Pokémon. He's quiet and non-invasive, usually preferring to stay in his Pokéball most of the time. When he's not, he likes to sit on Yosuke's head - though the "being a hat" thing doesn't work nearly as well since he evolved. But at this point, Yosuke's used to it, so he doesn't mind it so much. Evolved from Surskit into Masquerain on May 18th.

SLOWBRO | ♂ | Jiraiya | Lv. 67
Nature: Lax
Ability: Oblivious
Moveset: Curse, Yawn, Tackle, Growl, Water Gun, Confusion, Disable, Headbutt, Water Pulse, Zen Headbutt, Slack Off, Amnesia, Psychic, Rain Dance, Psych Up

Jiraiya is... very special, to say the least. He was Yosuke's starter the last time he was in Johto -- not that he remembers it. But Yosuke still treats him like one of the family now, since it's obvious to him this Slowpoke has an attachment. That's not to say Jiraiya isn't a headache though; he's lazy, tries to eat all of Yosuke's food and really just gets under his skin. He doesn't think his name is appropriate at all (and thinks he should probably named after Teddie), but... despite that, he'll look out for Jiraiya. Even if he's... very un-Jiraiya. Evolved into Slowbro on April 19th.

KADABRA | ♀ | Natsume | Lv. 53
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Synchronize
Moveset: Teleport, Confusion, Disable, Miracle Eye, Psybeam, Reflect, Recover, Psycho Cut, Role Play, Psycho Cut, Future Sight, Trick

Caught on Route 35, while the group was on their way into Goldenrod. Luck was on Yosuke's side for once, managing to catch her before she teleported away. Her name, Natsume, comes from the Saffron City Gym Leader, who Yosuke specifically remembers getting frustrated with when he played the game himself. She's a bit mischievous, teleporting in and out of Yosuke's face whenever she feels like seeing him flustered. Evolved from Abra into Kadabra on May 21st.

STARAPTOR | ♀ | Garula | Lv. 48
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Intimidate
Moveset: Tackle, Growl, Quick Attack, Wing Attack, Double Team, Endeavor, Whirlwind, Aerial Ace, Take Down, Close Combat, Agility

Egg obtained from Valeria. Garula's pretty calm, probably the most of anyone on Yosuke's team. She likes to hang out on his shoulder or fly around, generally not keen on staying in her Pokéball. Yosuke doesn't really mind though, since she seems to be the only one of his Pokémon that doesn't consistently try to make his life completely miserable. Evolved from Starly into Staravia on May 12th. Then evolved into Staraptor on September 1st.

ROTOM | ♂ | Yuu | Lv. 46
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Levitate
Moveset: Trick, Astonish, Thunder Wave, Thunder Shock, Confuse Ray, Uproar, Double Team, Shock Wave, Ominous Wind, Substitute, Charge

Egg obtained from Easter event. He's named rather aptly, since he hatched in Souji's breeding centre ("Yu and Yuudai's Centre")... and because Yosuke sucks at naming things. Usually pretty cool, Yuu mostly likes to just hang out. And possess electronic devices. Especially TVs. Yosuke's beginning to wonder if he should have named Yuu after something relating to the Midnight Channel, really...

NINETALES | ♀ | Hokuto | Lv. 51
Nature: Brave
Ability: Flash Fire
Moveset: Ember, Tail Whip, Roar, Quick Attack, Will-O-Wisp, Confuse Ray, Imprison, Flamethrower, Safeguard, Payback, Fire Spin, Captivate, Grudge, Extrasensory, Fire Blast

Originally Subaru Sumeragi's starter Pokémon, Hokuto was left behind and subsequently in Yosuke's care when Subaru disappeared. She's sassy and protective of the people (and Pokémon) she cares about, so much so that she'll brave a losing battle for her cause. It's obvious she misses her regular trainer, but Hokuto's taken to Yosuke well enough since they've be near each other since their arrival. Yosuke's doing his best to accommodate her, given the circumstances. She has a tendency to be a fashion-conscious Pokémon, usually finding accessories and things to wear at the store... which she brings to Yosuke and pouts at him until he gives in and buys them. Was evolved into Ninetales on October 10th, 2011

GYARADOS | ♂ | Epic | Lv. 36
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Swift Swim
Moveset: Splash, Tackle, Bite, Dragon Rage, Leer, Twister, Ice Fang, Aqua Tail

Obtained from Sakutaro in exchange for a Slowpoke. He's not too keen on trying to train a Magikarp, but Yosuke knows the result of its evolution will be worthwhile, so he's training it. Slowly. Very. Slowly. -- Since his evolution into a Gyarados on September 2nd, he's dropped the "fail" in his name, because he's now pretty epic. Though he still seems to flop around like he's a Magikarp...

CLEFFA | ♀ | Kana | Lv. 22
Nature: Brave
Ability: Cute Charm
Moveset: Pound, Charm, Encore, Sing, Sweet Kiss, Copycat, Magical Leaf

Though she can be a bit mischievous at times, Kana is a pretty well-behaved Pokémon by Yosuke's standards. Despite her tiny, cute nature, she rarely acts like it. She's got a bit of a crush on Kanji, and she seems to think acting manly and imitating him will catch his attention. She usually gets herself into more trouble trying to prove her strength than anything else. She's named as a counter to Kanji... because, you know, it makes sense or something.

GOLDUCK | ♀ | Saki | Lv. 33
Nature: Rash
Ability: Damp
Moveset: Scratch, Water Sport, Tail Whip, Watergun, Disable, Confusion, Water Pulse, Fury Swipes, Screech

Obtained during the Lugia event, Yosuke barely even caught Saki. She was one of the Pokémon migrating inwards, and just... walked into the breeding center. She made a lot of noise, followed Yosuke around, and then just stuck around when all of the others began to head back out to sea. She doesn't really seem to like Yosuke that much, and likes to be around Souji and his Pokémon more. But still, it's always Yosuke she goes back to, making a lot of noise and making him completely insane. So he decided to keep her (after all, his whole team makes him crazy). At first he thought it may be a bit cruel to name a Psyduck after, you know, his dead crush. But the personality sort of fit, and knowing she'll evolve into a Golduck eventually seem to compensate a bit. As of November 24th, she's evolved into a Golduck - creating far less headaches around the Centre as a result.

VICTREEBEL | ♂ | Luigi | Lv. 43
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Chlorophyll
Moveset: Vine Whip, Growth, Wrap, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Acid, Knock Off, Sweet Scent, Gastro Acid, Razor Leaf

Given to Yosuke as a gift from Daisy, Luigi fits right into the fray. He's quiet and reserved, but has a tendency to do lovingly try to eat your face. Especially if you're male, and doubly so if you're Yosuke, sometimes going as far as hitting him with Stun Spore first so he can't get away. He means well though, really.

ELEKID | ♂ | Matis | Lv. 6
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Static
Moveset: Quick Attack, Leer

Given to Yosuke as an egg by Shinn Asuka and hatched on November 12th, Matis is a pretty neutral Pokémon compared to the rest of his party. He's more interested in training and getting stronger. He does though, have the strange habit of trying to headbutt Yosuke in the calves when he walks by -- sometimes this is okay. Unless it knocks Yosuke down, but Matis will just laugh it off. It seems to be his idea of a joke. His name comes from the Japanese version of Pokémon R/B/Y, where Matis was Lt. Surge's original name.

Updated: November 7th, 2011

!ooc, !!pokémon roster

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