Apr 27, 2009 17:20

[ A recorded message plays after a few rings; ]

Hey, this is Souji.

And Yosuke!

And you've reached the Breeding Centre. Sorry, but we can't pick up right now because the centre is closed for the winter break. It'll reopen on January 3rd.

You make it sound like a school break, dude...

Sh. So anyway, all eggs will be delivered either on the 3rd or 4th if any orders are placed now. Sorry again for any inconvenience.

Also, if you're looking for information or anything relating to the foster home, you can leave a message with Merlin. He'll get back to you pretty quick too.


And talk to you later!


[ A list of Pokemon eggs available in text format is sent to your gear after if you happen to press 1 when the machine asks you if you will like to view it. ]

Abra - P1000
Aerodactyl [5 0 left] - P4000
Bellsprout - P400
Bulbasaur - P100
Charmander - P100
Combee [3 1 left] - P3000
Cranidos - P2000
Cleffa [3 2 left] - P100
Dratini - P2000
Drifloon - P700
Eevee - P2000
Ekans - P400
Gastly - P600
Gible - P2000
Glameow - P100
Growlithe - P600
Houndour [3 1 left] - P600
Lunatone [4 left] - P700
Magikarp - P100
Poliwag - P500
Poochyena [4 1 left] - P800
Porygon [2 left] - P1000
Psyduck - P800
Ralts [7 6 left] - P800
Riolu [5 3 left] - P4000
Rotom - P4000
Sentret [7 6 left] - P500
Scyther - P2000
Shroomish - P800
Shinx - P800
Skarmory - P100
Slowpoke - P50
Smoochum - P100
Sneasel [4 left] - P1200
Starly - P1000
Squirtle - P100
Surskit - P1000
Trapinch - P100
Tropius [4 3 left] - P1000
Turtwig - P1500
Vulpix - P500

[ If you press 2, a list of Pokemon and their egg moves will be sent instead! ]

Abra [6 left] - thunderpunch
Eevee - detect
Charmander [1 left] - metal claw + bite
Drifloon [4 3 left] - hypnosis
Glameow - bite + quick attack
Houndour [3 1 left] - sucker punch
Poliwag [6 5 left] - water pulse + bounce + mud shot + bubblebeam + mist
Psyduck - psychic + yawn
Ralts [7 6 left] - magical leaf
Sentret [7 6 left] - water pulse
Scyther - counter + endure + night slash + reversal
Shinx - quick attack
Starly - sand attack + fury attack
Trapinch - quick attack
Vulpix - energy ball + power swap

(( ooc: if you don't want to icly thread out the egg purchasing, please use the following format to buy the eggs and place 'ooc' in your subject! ))

List of Pokemon eggs - Total Price

breeding centre, my ditto is a persona protagonist, more eggs

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