[When the screen flickers on, Dash is looking rather cheerful, despite the absolutely groan-worthy weather she had previously been moping about. She's also surrounded by her Pokemon, as usual! Who... all look... a lot bigger--
-- excluding Blazing Bolt the Ponyta, who is still moping, in the background, about the weather. FIREPONY DISLIKES SLEET AND
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Comments 91
Gah-- Uh, sorry! Heya, uh, sorry there, aheh-- Gilda! Get-- back-- here...!
[And Dash goes in FOR A DIVE! She catches the Skarmory in her hands-- and is suddenly lost underneath a pile-up of all her Pokemon. The camera swings around to show the filmer-- Lucky Duck, who shakes her head.]
... Golduck, gol... [TRAINERS THESE DAYS, MAN. Lucky is clearly the One Sane Man of the team.]
Having trouble?
Naaah, just, uh... playing, I guess...? [The Skarmory chick is now perched on her shoulder, staring unblinkingly at Kaito. WHO DAT? GET OUT.]
.... holy shit.
[THAT WAS... WHAT WAS THAT. WHAT WAS THAT. Baby ostrich made of metal attacking nurses. It was like something from a rejected Pink Floyd music video.]
Heh... You thought you could outrun me? Hah, dream on! [The Skarmory gives another screech, flapping her wings and nibbling on Dash's bangs.
Dash grins at Heather from underneath the gaggle of Pokemon.] She's pretty awesome, isn't she? She's got swords for wings! [Didja see, Heather? DIDJA SEE??]
Yeah-- jeez, is it-- ... what IS she, anyway?
[She had only seen a Skarmory once, and it had been fully-grown-- not a weird little freakish ostrich thing.]
She's called a-- Rrgh, hang on-- [Turns out that some of her Pokemon are actually heavy! She squirms her way out of the dogpile, and her Pokemon awkwardly work at getting back to their feet. Gilda squawks and hops onto Dash's head as she sits upright.]
Anyways, yeah... She's called a Skarmory! [And Gilda is now eyeing the communicator with SUSPICION.] Bought her as an egg from that Souji guy!
[ It took them A FRILLION YEARS because lol FUCKING LEGS, HOW DO THEY WORK but they're here! The camera shows the Cherrygrove pokemon center. ]
Just don't go getting yourself stuck in a storm or something, got it? [FIERCE STARE.]
DB ]
No, birdy!
Skaar skarr skarr skarr!!
Gilda, stop it!! [And this is Dash standing in front of you, sort of... flailing.] That's Jack-- He's cool, honest! L-- [And now gingerly grabbing onto Gilda and attempting to pry her off.] --leggo! [DASH IT'S CALLED "RETURNING YOUR POKEMON". DO IT.]
At least she's-- friendly!
Eventually, Gilda is pried from Jack's clothes by Dash, and Dash sort of... tumbles backward as a result.] --Oof--! [PONY DOWN-- with a Skarmory perched threateningly atop her chest.]
[MUCH FLAILING is happening between Dash and her gaggle of Pokemon!] Hey, Fluttershy, uh-- You're good with animals and stuff-- Wanna tell Gilda to, like... stop attacking people?! [Said Skarmory promptly jumps onto Dash's arms and stares into the 'gear screen, giving a squawk.]
...Hello, Gilda. My name is Fluttershy, and it's very nice to meet you. I heard you just got out of your egg, and you must be very excited to meet everyone and see everything... But what's the rush? You'll have plenty of time to explore and learn, so why not go easy? Rainbow Dash just wants to help you.
And cue some... bizarre baby bird noises that are a step up from the angry shrieking of earlier. Dash pokes her head into the frame, an eyebrow raised.]
... Huh. Heh, didn't really expect it to work, ya know! Heh, that's awesome, Fluttershy!! [Oh my Celestia it's a miracle, Fluttershy. Dash just called you AWESOME. RELISH THIS MOMENT.]
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