might have to get a new computer

Jul 28, 2009 23:47

so as everyone pretty much knows, my computer like crashed the other day and my second-cousin was able to fix it right ( Read more... )

ffxii, computer, spanish, final fantasy, family, english

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Comments 13

tsukkomi_boke July 29 2009, 05:28:44 UTC
It'd be good if you got a laptop~ Especially since y'all have wi-fi. XD

The difference between vocalist and singer is that vocalists have professional training. :) lol, thanks wikipedia XD


usagirainbow July 30 2009, 12:32:55 UTC
yup yup :3

oh i see so does that make ruki a vocalist and miku a singer? XDDD


tsukkomi_boke July 31 2009, 01:26:25 UTC
ummmmmm, yes if Ruki has vocal training? XD; I really don't know enough about Gazette, ffffffff. ._.


usagirainbow July 31 2009, 01:47:35 UTC
well as far as i know he doesn't but miku does...or at least right now he's getting some


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