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May 16, 2014 19:49

Nazism, Which “Does Not Exist in Ukraine”.

Mikhail Khodorkovski, Ex-CEO, YUKOS: “Long live the people of the new democratic Ukraine! Yesterday, I and a few of my Ukrainian friends went to Maidan. We talked to many people there. Russian propaganda lies as always: there are no fascists or Nazis here”.
Ilia Ponomarev, MP, Russian State Duma: “Just returned back from Ukraine a few days ago… Now I can tell about what I saw. And I saw a lot of things, but I failed to see any banderovtsy (translation note: i.e followers of Stephan Bandera, a founder and leader of Ukrainina nationalist movement and during WW2 a Nazi collaborator), although I was actively looking for them everywhere.
And one more time about nationalism. I have said already that there was no banderovshina in Kiev. None at all. Discounting some individuals and small groups of Nazis, there is no evidence of mass support to ultra-nationalistic parties… all the tales about Bandera coup and Ukrainian fascism are just scare fables for our TV to frighten and brain wash the audience. For this purpose only the role of the “Right Sector” is significantly exaggerated”.
Oleg Kashin, a journalist, also considers Ukrainian Nazismn a myth . On May 7, 2014 he wrote on his Facebook page: “The events in Ukraine is a global, total, and unmerciful war between lumpens and non lumpens (translation note: “Lumpen” is the reference to the works of Karl Marx in which he determined de-classified elements as “lumpen proletariat”, normaly this term is used derrogatievely to the lowest strata of the society) … In the lumpens camp everyone wants “stability” and “protection” even if they have to pay for it with their dignity… All of them irrationally hate all “benderovtsy” (note, the authors orthography preserved and transliterated v - correct “bAnderovtsy”), “neo-nazis”, “neo-fashists”. Althouh none of them have ever seen those “benderovsty “ even on TV”.
Sergei Loiko, “Los Angeles Times” Correspondent, mentioned in his speech on “Echo of Moscow” radio: “The most important thing is to retain objectivity… and in this respect I would like to mentioned the armed coup, about the notion that “some fascists hordes” will invade the East of Ukraine and kill everyone… “The Federalists Supporters” armed with rifles often say: “Wait till the “The Right Sector” comes!” “The Right Sector” in their view is some sort of absolutely mythical image of universal evil. Some sort of Hell. But in reality none of this is true. No one is threatens no one. The whole eastern Ukraine speaks and will continue speak Russian. No one prevented it and no one ever took this rights from them”.
Alexey Goncharenko, Councillor of Odessa Regional Council said on “Baltkom” radio: “Organization called “The Right Sector” is widely known only in Russia and its role in the Ukrainian crisis is hugely exaggerated. In my view, “The Right Sector” is known only in Russia”. Goncharenko claimed that he had not seen a single member of “The Right Sector “in Odessa: “From my point of view, this organization is a half-myth”.
In other words, there is no Nazism in Ukraine. It is not there and more time - it does not exist. Strangely though, the training of fighters eager to “go and kill Russians” is in the full swing. But the persons, whose quotes are mentioned above, continue to insist that all is great with Nazi ideology in Ukraine. Apparently, it does not exist there.

Dear friends! Please, someone stick the noses of the Russian and non Russian defenders of fashism in the information below. I understand that many of those Russians now live abroad (Khodorkovski, Kashin, Loiko) or covered by the deputy immunity (Ponomarev), but do feel free to send them at least a link to these materials, may they read...
Batalion “Dnepr” created and funded by Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoyski. The training:

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The text of the chant is below:
The Russian does not want a peaceful life,
And thus we will beat him up.
We will not take him prisoner
But kill him on the spot!
The machine gun will shoot, and bullets fly,
The Russians will get nothing,
First we return the Crimea and then we take Kuban
And shoo Russian swine away!

The war cry of Ukrainian army: «Who’s not skipping is Moscal” (translation note: Moscal is a derogatory term for a Russian, very much like “nigger” for a black person in English :

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Note that the Dniepropetrovsk volunteer battalion mentioned above has already been in deployed in Mariupol. (Translators note: this article was written on the 8th of May 2014, one day before the tragic events in Mariupol on May 9). This was revealed by Boris Filatov, the Deputy to Igor Kolomoyski, the Governor of Dniepropetrovsk Oblast. The same Filatov who was planning to hang the Crimea residents and was nicknamed “the hangman”. He wrote on his FB page: “The Kremlins dream of unifying the South and East of Ukraine in one movement has come true” implying the activity of “patriotic activists” from Dniepropetrovsk in Odessa.
These elite units include the volunteers who practised the “patriotic exercises” regularly in the past:

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Odessa -is the place of extraordinary importance. And that is why, according to political analyst Lev Vershinin, it now has to undergo the process of the “rapid transformation” into a “second Dniepropetrovsk. That very Dniepropetrovsk were authority pay 10,000 USD for a Russian head. That very Dniepropetrovsk, where, according to Dmitri Yarosh, “the mythical Right Sector“ is now based: “We have fulfilled the dream of every Ukrainian and the Bandera’s army has finally crossed the Dnieper”.
On May 5, 2014 Igor Palitsa, the new Governor of Odessa Region, known for its anti-Russian convictions was personally introduced to the public by Mr. Kolomoyski. Every step fo the new head of the region is now coordinated with Dniepropetrovsk administration. “I am already engaged in Odessa. Initially just remotely” - writes Boris Filatov in his FB account on May 7.
We will see how the public of Odessa will accept the leadership of the people who think that the tragedy of May2, 2014 was an opportunity “to communion by the blood of scum polluting our sacred lands”. These are exactly the words used by Mr. Filatov to describe the slaughter in Odessa. Now, the “sacred lands” are polluted by the fighters trained on Kolomoyski’s funds.
By the way, it is hard to imagine how Mr. Goncharenko managed to miss the representatives of the far right movements on the streets of Odessa. Naturally one would not ask every thug in balaclava and with a club in hands about their political affiliation, but the marches with the traditional chants “Long Live the Nation - Death to Enemies” were really hard to miss a few next days after the fire.
“Ukraine Uber Alles - Odessa Must be Cleansed from Colorades” (translation note: “Colorades - is another pejorative nick name for pro-Russian activists). May 4th:

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At the moment Odessa is being prepare for the Victory day, and to the elections on May 25. According to Dmitri Dzygovbrodski- a Ukrainian writer and analysts, five bus loads of people who looked very much like “The Right Sector “ activists were arrived to an abandoned rest house in the Odessa suburbs (place is shown on the map). “Around 70 people, camo field dress, bands, Ukrainian language. A large amount of weapons was also delivered to the military base nearby.
A new check point, which is planned to be erected shortly, is also marked on the map. The concrete slabs and traffic police are already there. All these places are just a few kilometres away from the 411th Battery Memorial Complex, the place where huge crowds gather for the Victory Day celebrations.

Dmitri Dzygovbrodski thinks that it is very possible that the other abandoned rest houses in the vicinity (of which there are plenty) could accommodate the same sort of “guests”. His information is confirmed by L. Vershinin’s sources:

By the way, there are many of the indirect suggestions on the future actions directed at the introduction of the “new Ukrainian order”. For example the foreign students in Odessa were recommended to leave Ukraine before May 23 (their examination session will be re-scheduled for the next Autumn).

Meanwhile, the guests train in the fresh air, right on the beaches. These photos were presented by the head of Socialist-National Assembly Mr. Igor Mossijchuk. That very Mossihchuk, who promised the Crimea to send “friendship trains” full of “The Right Sector” fighters in March this year.


For those who do not know: “Social National Assembly” is the organization whose ideology (according to its founders) is based on “maximalism, nationalist-race egoism, lover for your own and intolerance to enemy, activism”. Now these guys look like this:

Some similar events are expected in Nikolaev too/ According the despatch from Stbcaptain on May7:
«1. Six people in black special forces attire (2 snipers and 4 with assault rifles) arrived at 45. B Morskaay Str. They tried to be inconspicuous, entered the building and remained there.
2. There is a gang of around 200 armed “The Right Sector” members in a forest near Matveevka.
3. Some trucks delivered boxes with chemicals, supposedly the same as was used in Odessa.
4. These three trucks had non-Nikolaev registration plates and were escorted by young butch looking men. They unloaded on the corner of 3rd Slobodskaya Str. »

Stbcaptain continues: “The so called “Jewish Quarter” has witnessed some strange developments recently. On the evening when the peaceful protest tent encampment was shot up by “The Right Sector” (with 28 eople wounded), this place was the rallying point for fighters. Here they distributed the arms and clubs, and put on body armour. Until now this place in under very heavy guard with the sentries inside the building and an observation post from a van outside. The rumour in the city is that here “the Right Sector” stores its firearms.”

(text of the Poster:
“-Honey, I brought a separatist for dinner!”
“-Well done, bring him to the kitchen. We will make steaks”
This (above) how Ukrainian Nazis (who do not exist) joke.

According to Da-Dzi - Kharkov gets ready for Victory Day too: “There was an airdrop on Korotich airfield (near Kharkov). People in black uniforms, armed. The first wave around 30 helicopters Mi-8, so should be around 1000 troops. “Maidan” Batalion”.

And almost immediately after this despatch, the website of the famous anti-fascist NGO “Borotba” announced: “About half an hour ago the Kharkov office of “Borotba” was seized by armed men dressed in black uniforms. All these men had distinguishing red duct tape bands on their clothes (same mark as was used in Odessa). At the moment they are inside. They are accompanied by the police officers”. According to the NGOs employees the “armed men” did not have any ID on them.
“No doubt, the main reason for this action was to prevent the planned mass demonstrations on the 9th of May, which were organized by “Borotba” and other anti-fashists organizations”- think the members of the NGO.
Thus, the warning made by the Anrey Parubiy, the Secretary of Security and Defence Council, a few days prior to the events was not in vain: “May 8 and 9 will be extremely important. Russian saboteurs plan provocations for these dates. Ukraine makes its best efforts to prevent any provocations in Kiev or other regions”.

Text on the poster says - “Let’s be friends. You will visit us on weddings and we will come to your funerals”.
Here’s another joke from Social-Nationalist Assembly.
The western Ukraine seems to be “ready” to celebrate the Victory day. According to “Navigator”, organization called “Nation’s Idea” plans to perform an action “Exterminate Colorado Beetles”.
And at the same time, Irina Sekh, the Chairman of Lvov Oblast State Administration, had a meeting with Timofei Makhonko, the Head of Lvov Veterans’ of GPW Organization at which they agreed that the veterans’ organizations will not perform any mass actions as they may cause “conflict situations”.
Despite the Chairman’s words, the veterans announced that they will fulfil their duty. They also think that many of the city residents will support them and go to the streets wearing st. George’s bands, carrying Red Banners of Victory and will lay flowers on the fallen soldiers graves.
Veterans are already used to the confrontation, in his interview to RT, Timpofei Makhonko said that in Lvov attacks of demonstrations and flower ceremonies on Victory Day happened every year.
But what can one do? We all were warned many times: “When Nazis take power they will re-shape the society, education system and national values, introduce “collective responsibility” and will intrude in every minute details of your personal lives. That is why their model of society is called “totalitarian”. And they will re-educate you, your relatives and friends, bring up your children. Re-educate them in a way that they will happily report you to authorities for Speaking Russian, or not having a Bandera portrait at home. They will creat the new state structure, useful for them” .
So, these are the Nazis… who do not exist in Ukraine.

materials of http://flb.ru/info/57770.html

Oleg Lurie oleglurie_new