Title: HSJ Mini Fanfics (Part 4) Chinen Edition
Author: urufu
Pairing, Genre, and Rating are various
Notes: Each story will be very very short and will only have less than 140 characters (like when you post one tweet on twitter). And one story won’t be connected with the next story :) This part is special for Chinen’s advanced birthday~ ♥
4th mini fanfics )
Comments 11
I wanna see bald Hikaru!!
b-but the one who got bald was Chinen! XDD
thanks for reading! ♥
i actually read this without my glasses on. that's why. *in denial*
D: *gasp* maybe Yamachan wouldn't do that if Chii hadn't killed Yuto (><)
Daiki wasn’t surprised when he found porn videos in Chinen’s laptop. What made him surprised was the fact that they were self-recorded YabuHika.
eeehh? *snickers.....ROFL*
When all members of HSJ, including Ryutaro, gathers in their room and celebrates his birthday together, Chinen sheds in tears of happiness.
aww~ *cries*
thanks for reading~! :D
Haha oh...kay
what did you think the it would be, though? :))
-"Chinen has grown up, ne..." Yabu said in motherly tone. Hikaru nodded in fatherly way.==> LOL at this ridiculous couple
-"Chinen, I found this in your bag. Now, explain." Yabu calmly orders as he's holding a cigarette box.==> :((( inget ryuu.... baguslah yabu nemuin itu duluan :((
-Everyone wonders why Chinen walks in a weird way after he exited from Arashi’s dressing room just a moment ago.==> dulu pernah baca fic kayak gini, si nino ngelindungin ohno dari chii tapi akhirnya ninohno jadi di rape ama chii dua duanya XDD
-“Why didn’t Johnny-san add up Yuma, Shoon-kun, and Taiyou-kun to our group so we could be like Super Junior?” Chinen stated his crazy idea.==> lately i read suju's fic--OMG, ficnya isinya NC-17 SEMUA BOOOO XDDD
-“I’m inexperienced, but I know how to do it,” Chinen blushes, scratching his cheek. Umika just giggles when he drags her into his room.==> >///< inget ( ... )
YabuHika yey!! XD
belum tentu juga itu punya Chii kan... kali aja dia dijahatin orang lain :( #sinetronkali
buseeet fic macem apaan tuh?? XDD yaa i just left the rest for readers' imagination yo XDD
ya mau gimana lagi, isinya kan lebih rame dr HSJ... pasti fans-nya juga lebih pervert -__-'
heeeey dirimu baca ya?? emg udh cukup umur? #wakakak lagian emgnya UmiChii mau ngapain noh di kamar? mungkin mau belajar buat ujian? #sokinnocent XDD
hahaha kan AriYama rada mirip tuh, udah kayak kembaran. jadi si Chii yg dodol itu nganggep klo AriYama itu incest-an... XD
ga kok, saya seneng kalo ada yg komen panjang kyk gini~ berarti beneran dibaca & dinikmati ♥
makasih ya shafira~ ♥
Geblek tu dua XDD
:((( tetap sj mengingatkan dakuw pd luka lama...
Ga tau, pan dah lama baca'a *staon yg lalu kali??? XDDD
Mungkin krn fanservice yg brlebihan mreke pk cium2an gitu. Kalo yuto ama chii ciuman... UWOOOO! *nosebleed
Meheheh aku kan dh bilang aku dh jd fans nee-sama sjak aku blom pny lj.. Aku stalk trus fic kakak, eh nemu bgituan.. HyahahahahaaAa kocak and sexy beudd kaaakkk *pervert grin
Yeuppp masama...
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