Title: HSJ Mini Fanfics (Part 2)
Author: urufu
Pairing, Genre, and Rating are various
Notes: These are mini fanfics I’ve ever made on twitter (well, some have just been written by me, tho) with a hashtag #HSJminifanfic. You know, twitter only provides 140 characters for one tweet, so each stories will be very very short and will only have less than
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Comments 17
thanks for reading & commenting ♥
Daiki came near Penguin's cage when he was in the zoo, then suddenly a tourist mistakenly took a picture of him instead of the penguins. rofl
"Yeap, that's my final decision," Ryutaro firmly declared to his bandmates. "I'll leave JE, then be a professional baseball player." yeah, that might be possible..
i love all of them n i love u for writing this!
thank you again! ♥
Finally, Daiki was able to lift Yamada's body up. But not long after that, they fell off together from the stage. - They're not balanced yet. Wonder who is more heavy. I bet its Yama-chan! LOL.
Daiki came near Penguin's cage when he was in the zoo, then suddenly a tourist mistakenly took a picture of him instead of the penguins. - Maybe the tourist thought he's the mother of all the penguins, or maybe the tourist is a fan! :)
The MC asked to HSJ, "Who's the youngest member in your group?" Then, unexpectedly, Chinen raised his arm. - Awwwww. That's now true though.
I love all of these! It's very funny and heart-warming~ :)
lol you bet, ne? XD
i take the first one. the tourist might mistaken him as the mother of penguins XDD
yeah... chinen wasn't wrong at all :(
thank you for the comments! :D ♥
Aku juga suka yg 'chinen scolding ryuu who taller than him' (long self-title, i know) and 'jasuchineen biiba' omggg chiinen XDD entah kenapa ada banyak bgt kemunculan chii di minific faforit ku XDDDD
laah emg bener chinen yg sekarang paling muda... ryutaro kan lagi cuti :((
hehe karena chinen emang suka aneh sendiri pan? *sok tau*
makasih yaa udh mampir :D ♥
chii... -____- kalo kamu begini terus umika bisa lari loh XXDDDD
iyaaaa masamaaa :D
i would be ecstatic if that really is the real reason! i'll probably get into baseball for him XD
There was an awkward silence after the MC had jokingly commented, "Why don't you guys change your name to Shounen Jidai?"
LOL i wonder who in the group would be for or against that idea XD
Keito stared at the new lyric notes on his grip, then muttered silently. "I want to sing more..."
aww~ *hugs Keito*
i bet yamada would be pleased with the idea XD
*hugs keito too*
thank you so much for reading ♥
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