
Oct 07, 2012 00:31

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Comments 44

ladymondegreen October 7 2012, 02:02:59 UTC
I love that Martha's shoes and handbag match, even though they aren't even in the same color map as her dress. She does look righteously pissed off. I'm not sure I want to get in the way of the shoes, or the handbag.


pickledginger October 7 2012, 16:00:05 UTC
Her earrings match, too.


ladymondegreen October 7 2012, 16:30:59 UTC
They do. I was originally taking them as being silver and reflecting the light of the environment.


cjtremlett October 7 2012, 03:26:26 UTC
It's the little critter with the flower and the sort of hopeful look that makes it for me! I'm not sure if he/she/it is trying to romance Martha or placate her, but either way, I'm rooting for the little critter!

I think the big fellow with the recycling bag looks intimidated by Martha. Not that I blame him!


shakatany October 7 2012, 03:57:55 UTC
To me this is sort of like what would happen should Dorothy Gilman's Mrs Pollifax wander into a fantasy world.



killiara October 7 2012, 06:01:23 UTC
Mrs. Pollifax would be a little less peeved and a bit more, OOH, that's Interesting!


stormteller October 7 2012, 07:14:02 UTC
Looks like she caught the bus into Dragonbreath territory. I'd like to know what number that bus is.

That brings up a question I've been thinking about. Do you consider your various fantasy realms to be parts of the same 'universe', or are they separate and unconnected? Or do you think about it at all?


lowe4 October 7 2012, 09:09:56 UTC
Someday (in the scads of spare time you keep under the elephant in the pantry) I would love to see a how to for your textures. I made awesome trees by accident after rereading Digger with a sketch book auto doodling on my lap. I think I figured out how to take the scratch board thing you did and make it work with graphite and different sized erasers but it would be fascinating to see what you had to say on the matter. From the horses mouth as it were, but I never did understand complimenting someone by telling them they smell of hay and looked like teeth the size of tombstones. Also what was with the giant rubbery prehensile tongue?

Completely lost control of that, must be keyboard weevils.


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