Fic: A Study in Character Creation (4/4)

Sep 23, 2012 12:57

Title: A Study in Character Creation, or: The first session is always awkward
Series: Better Than Reality
Rating: T
Genres: AU, Meta, Romance
Pairing: Preslash OMC/OMC (John/Sherlock sortakinda)
Fandom: Sherlock BBC, with a sprinkling of Cabin Pressure, The Office, and Office Space
Betas: gretchen4321 and percygranger
Britpicker: hms_wellington
Wordcount: 5,136 (this section); 12, ( Read more... )

ust, fandom: sherlock bbc, genre: romance, spoilers: season 1, d20 modern, multi-chaptered, preslash, rating: t, pairing: sherlock/john, meta, a study in character creation (fic), pen and paper rpg, female dungeon master ftw, character: greg lestrade, character: john watson, better than reality (series), original characters, fic, sherlock but not, genre: au, character: sherlock holmes

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Comments 2

eanor September 24 2012, 13:46:25 UTC
This was fantastic again! Loved how John and Greg got kidnapped, too! ^^ And wow, you really can explain all plot holes by roleplaying logics, can't you? XD


ureshiiichigo September 27 2012, 15:57:42 UTC
Ha, yes. Sherlock really likes to split the party, though, doesn't he? Assuming the GM has the same story idea as the episode, it's interesting seeing how the characters would make different decisions if they were different people. Arthur is a lot less reckless than Sherlock.

Glad you enjoyed!


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