Title: Rewind
KaineCharacters: ケイ (Kei), Ryo
Table: One
Prompt: 014. Chair
Word Count: 2086
Rating: PG
Summary: This is the story of how everything began.
Author's Notes: Serves as a sort of omake chapter/introduction during the band's earliest days.
He didn't really like Mikura Keisuke the first time he met him. )
Comments 1
Haha, just kidding, Hitomi-san. Omoshiroiiiii...
As usual, Ryou's character bugs me, but that's typical. Kei's as cocky as ever, of course. xD It's interesting. For some reason I liked the scene where Ryou's vocalist calls him. o0;; I wonder why.
Anyway, good luck, yeah~. A new start.
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