untitled PWP

Jan 29, 2007 22:38

Greetings. First time poster. Hopefully people like... ^^;

Pairing: Urahara/Uryuu (of course), slight implied Orihime/Sado
Type: Plot? What plot? >;) Medium to long, around 5k words. All events take place after current manga/anime, when Ishida is older (AKA no longer jail bait by my standards). No spoilers that I can think of because, ( Read more... )


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Comments 26

my_beautiful January 30 2007, 07:40:50 UTC
I feel retarded for never having thought of this coupling.

Soooo hot. *drools* *claws*


quakey January 30 2007, 08:46:07 UTC
That's the reaction I was hoping for. Thanks!



myuki_chan January 30 2007, 07:45:16 UTC


I am filled with mindless glee here. ♥♥♥♥♥

And this?

pausing only when his lips were so close to Ishida’s that they could feel each other’s breath, the brim of his old, felt hat brushing Ishida’s forehead

Made me think of this icon. :D

... if you couldn't tell, I loved it. XD


quakey January 30 2007, 08:48:34 UTC
Hm. You're right, they are basically the same. Cool. =D

Glad you liked. ^__^ ♥


shmeebs January 30 2007, 08:55:36 UTC
O= never read this pairing before, but I have to say I really enjoyed this! There really needs to be more Urahara/Everyone >___>

Just a bit of conrstructive critisism: lose the parentheses, you use them a lot and they can be distracting!

Also, I think the part with Urahara not wanting to take his hat off was great... it's the little details like that that keep them in-character even in crazy situations XDDD

Overall, loved it! :D


quakey January 30 2007, 16:58:44 UTC
Urahara is TEH HAWT.

I don't even notice my parentheses usually ... you're quite right about them though. Will try to remember that.

Glad you liked! ^___^ Thanks for the comments/feedback! ^___^


rabid_fangrrl January 30 2007, 14:40:22 UTC
you're dirty.

i LOVE you.


quakey January 30 2007, 16:51:36 UTC
*takes shower* ... Nope, doesn't help, still dirty. XD

Glad you liked! ^__^


onthefloor January 30 2007, 15:34:49 UTC
I stared at this entry, too scared to read it. But oh gods... am I glad I did.

This... you..........brainmelt. *twitch* You kept them amazingly in character. I actually enjoyed this. ....too much.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ILUANDURPRON. <3333333333


quakey January 30 2007, 17:09:52 UTC
*chuckles evilly* I'm glad I sucked you in. My brain has been swirling with some crack pairings recently. *savors contemplatively* Aaaaah, I enjoy a good bit of crack now and then. XDDDD

There's a little something heading your way in the mail. Hopefully you enjoy that too. XD


onthefloor January 30 2007, 17:17:55 UTC
Obligitory capslock: ICON OMG <3

Reaaally?? *glee* Nice timing, btw... check your email.


quakey January 30 2007, 18:43:35 UTC

*enthusiastically checks email*

WOOHOO! *crazy grin*

Thanks! ^_^ I think this codependent pr0n/attention addiction is getting out of hand ... but I don't care. XD


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