This Clusterfuck In Which No One Has Any Good Options (a TVD s4 meta)

Dec 10, 2012 01:01

TVD 4x08 confused the fuck out of me. Something was bugging me, and I didn't know what, so I decided to make myself useful and rewatch s4 so far during my study breaks. I'm almost done with the rewatch now, and I know what was bugging me: this season is nothing like I expected. I also decided that TVD doesn't really work that well watched on a week ( Read more... )

meta, fandom: the vampire diaries

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Comments 27

catteo December 10 2012, 05:54:21 UTC
I kind of adore this post. I've had some issues with TVD in recent weeks, mostly around the way that things have been spelled out for the viewers as though we're unable to infer from the characters actions what's going on (see Caroline/Stefan dialogues of doom), but that aside, I think you've summed up beautifully the reasons why I'm still invested. Yes the characters are problematic, yes Damon's a dick, yes Elena is actually being kind of a bitch to Caroline, but I love them anyway. I don't approve of the way that Elena flung Damon-adoration at Caroline, but I see her point. When you have real feelings for someone you don't really care who you hurt in your quest to make everyone else see them as you do. Flawed? Yes. Human? Absolutely. I think Elena is almost more human in her behaviours now than she ever was before. One of the things that pissed me off about the whole sirebond thing was the implication that Elena's agency had been entirely removed. I'm glad that's been tidied up ( ... )


upupa_epops December 10 2012, 10:30:43 UTC
Yes, I have my issues with the execution, and I think that some lines uttered in s4 were simply offensive. It's not a perfect season. But, despite the flaws, I really love the concept of it, the way it's taking up insolvable ethical choices and building all the character arcs around them.

Who cares if everyone's a selfish bastard, I don't like some of my friends some of the time!

Lol, if you like your friends all of the time, clearly you don't spend enough time with them XD.


swirlsofblue December 10 2012, 09:19:09 UTC
This is a brilliant insight and so true *mems*


upupa_epops December 10 2012, 10:31:00 UTC
Thank you :).


vergoldung December 10 2012, 10:49:52 UTC
(ahem this comment isn't smarter than yesterday, sorry)

Marta Marta Marta. I am so happy that I get to watch the show with you around. Idk man. This show confuses me on a weekly basis and you unconfuse me on a weekly basis? What is that. No but seriously, I exagerate not. Most of my 4.08 reaction post is about how I can't make sense of the different arcs that are going on and I am a bit lost as to where the writers wants to go with this, which is honestly limiting my blind enjoyment of the show. AND THEN YOU GO AND NEATLY UNFOLD EVERYTHING TO BE COHERENT AND MORE OR LESS COHESIVE AND UGH. HOW DO YOU DO THINKING.

Whatever, I bow to your superior TV watching skills. Be my Yoda forevs, y?


upupa_epops December 10 2012, 11:01:02 UTC
Honestly, I think the confusion should be blamed on our disjointed watching. This show always worked better in marathons, and s4 is the height of this tendency. If they keep it up, s4 will turn into this ginormous 15-hour-long movie that makes most of sense when you chain yourself to your TV and watch it all in one sitting (and then proceed to die of exhaustion and sore ass). This whole meta came together when I simply rewatched 4x01-4x06 over, like, two days, without making any significant breaks between episodes. I was even timing my watching to my crochet work, not to the length of episodes. Basically, this meta was written thanks to my mother's new scarf.


vergoldung December 10 2012, 11:13:15 UTC
Well bless your crotcheting. [ETA : I'm not sure how worrying this typo is.]

I still haven't rewatched anything since I started watching this show and I'm pretty sure this affect the way I perceive everything too? There is just so much I have already forgotten (like that Tyler line regarding the sire-bond you mentionned in your reaction post, erased from my mind already.)

I wish I had the attention span for marathoning though.


bogwitch December 10 2012, 13:02:50 UTC
I don't know why Damon just doesn't use the sire bond to tell Elena to ignore the sire bond. Problem solved. Next!


intrikate88 December 10 2012, 14:58:06 UTC


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