Sep 23, 2005 21:07
people are unhappy
myself included
myself guilty.
people i care about, too.
there is nothing i hate more in this world than being angry. i just want it to go away. i just want it to go away.
Sep 22, 2005 09:07
good morning everyone, how are you?
im ok i'm packing & going to portland
i had an alarm today! good practice
well, soon it'll be most everyday that
BEEPBEEP now... coffee, more suitcases,
des valises, buses, etc.
anyway i can be reached by the usual means
Sep 17, 2005 17:22
utterly depressing events. lame afternoon.
eugh. Maybe i'm dehydrated or something &
that's the real problem. No, it's not...
Oh well. Lots to look forward to right?
I'll tell myself that. Again.
Sep 16, 2005 17:20
are horrendously delicious
what are you doing to cool off?
Sep 09, 2005 14:06
Fuck you for not only making me fly to sanfrancisco from seattle, then to eugene, and delaying things so I have to change flights - - then delaying the flights i changed to - -
I wish henry miller were more readable