UP AME will be releasing a limited number of tickets for online reservation. These can be claimed on the day itself for a reduced price - 90 pesos instead of the usual 100 pesos. How to avail of this limited offer? Check out the guidelines below!
☁ Online reservation will be from September 21 to October 3.
☁ To reserve a ticket, send the following information to ame8thave.tix@gmail.com:
► Full Name
► Contact Details:
o E-mail address (required)
o Blog/website (optional)
o Cellphone number (required)
o Landline number (optional)
o Current address (optional)
► Number of Tickets to be Reserved (maximum of 3)
☁ All reservations shall be confirmed before the event itself.
☁ The number of presale tickets sold will be subject to availability.
☁ On November 8, 2008, there shall be a separate line for tickets reserved online. Please bring any valid ID and claim your tickets there by 2:00 PM - all remaining unclaimed tickets will be forfeited and sold as regular tickets.
For any further questions, just leave a comment here or visit our
forums! Hope to see you at AME 8th Avenue!
Note: To anyone within easy reach of UP Diliman, we recommend that you go through our manual reservation instead. We'll have a booth set up along AS Walk from September 23 to 26, so please drop on by! You may also choose to contact any official member of UP AME to reserve a ticket!