Title - Escape Attempt #6
Author -
unwritten_ideasRating - PG
Word Count - 568
Characters - Jon, Gackt
Disclaimer - don’t own squat and if I did, I’d be posting this with pictures
Summary - Jon is still trying to escape...
Gackt was his kidnapper, his prison guard and the diabolical evil genius in charge of it all )
Comments 7
But I had to wonder, how did Jon find the time to manage to learn and write 30 different languages? XD
"But I had to wonder, how did Jon find the time to manage to learn and write 30 different languages? XD "
Either that or iPhone Apps, XDDDD
Will he ever escape? Do we want him to? Does he actually want to? (Actually, I think he does)
But back to the fic. Poor Jon. He never will escape. he should just accept that
Buahahaha~~~~~ Nooo, please let's not end this! It's so hilarious, so adorkable, so funny and Jon's resignation is so cute! :'D I laugh and laugh! Thank you!
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