Title - Gaming Night
Author -
unwritten_ideasRating - PG-13 (bad language)
Word Count - 483
Characters - Gackt, You, Jon, Takumi
Disclaimer - don’t own squat and if I did, I’d be posting this with pictures
Summary - Gackt has arranged a gaming night... and is losing
you couldn’t shoot your way out of a cardboard box, could you )
Comments 5
Takumi, your crush is shameless. Never stop.
“I like you,” You smiled, “I hope you stay. I need help keeping Gaku’s ego in check.”
(/ - w - )/ Teamwork!
Brilliant. Good job, Jon. Well done.
I hope you stay. I need help keeping Gaku’s ego in check.” *adds* "because I can't do it on my own"
*scrolls up to see the author* Ah, ofcourse, who else. It's easy to tell by the quality of writing. I draw my hat *bows*
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