Title - The Vote
Author -
unwritten_ideasRating - PG-13
Word Count - 1,753
Characters - Gackt, Jon, You, Chacha, Takumi, U:zo, Shinya
Disclaimer - don’t own squat and if I did, I’d be posting this with pictures
Summary - Gackt and Jon have a new idea for the fanservice, but they can't agree on how exactly it should work. So, they put it to a band vote
“So, that’s decided then? You’re okay with this, truly?”
Jon gripped the coffee in his hand. If he was entirely honest, he was only partially okay with it, but then again, he’d only been partially okay with the idea of most of the fanservice when rehearsals had first started. Gackt just had this annoying way of making Jon feel at ease with even the most personal space encroaching fanservice.
Must be due to Gackt’s girly lips, cheekbones and skill with an eyeliner pencil.
“I’m okay,” partially, “but, how exactly is it going to work? I mean… you know…”
Gackt smiled. “You mean who will be taking and who will be receiving?”
“Yes,” Jon responded. “I don’t mind simulating sex with you on stage, but we need to work that out.”
Gackt tilted his head to the side and stared at Jon for so long that Jon thought the other man had fallen asleep standing up and with his eyes open. Again. Finally, Gackt spoke. “I don’t think you’re the kind of guy who is willing to bend over on stage, are you?”
Jon suppressed the shudder than ran down his spine. That was the part he was only partially okay with. “No,” Jon sighed. “But I don’t think you are, either.”
“Most definitely not,” Gackt said before smiling. “This is a dilemma, huh?”
“Hmm,” Jon said, pausing as he thought, “we could take it in turns?”
“I think we should put it to a vote,” Gackt answered.
“A vote?!” Jon asked incredulously.
“Yeah, get the whole band together and ask their opinion. I’m sure they will pick the best option,” Gackt smirked.
The smirk was still present on Gackt’s lips as he left the room. Jon sank down onto the couch and stared at the ceiling. There was no possibility that the rest of the band would go against Gackt’s wishes. Some members almost worshipped him, some had been friends for years, and the others just wanted a quiet life.
He was sure to lose this vote.
Jon found Shinya in the rehearsal room, halfway through his pre-show ritual of counting his drumsticks.
“Shinya-san, do you have a moment?” Jon asked respectfully.
“Sure,” Shinya replied. “How can I help you?”
Jon took a deep breath. “There will be a band meeting later, and everyone will be asked to vote on something. I want you to disagree with Gackt, and vote for me.”
Shinya waved the drumstick in his hand at Jon. “Why would I want to disagree with Gackt? He’s usually right in band matters and I trust his judgement.”
Jon sighed. He knew this would be difficult. “I can’t really explain it…”
“I mean,” Shinya interrupted, “there would have to be a reason for me to vote against Gackt. Do you understand me?”
Jon paused and remembered the conversation he’d had with Shinya yesterday. “Okay, okay… I’ll help you train.”
“Without Gackt knowing?” Shinya asked. That was a very important part of the deal.
Jon nodded. “I’ll make sure Gackt doesn’t find out.”
Shinya smiled. “In that case, I’ll gladly vote against Gackt. It’s good to help people, isn’t it?!”
U:zo was sat in a broom cupboard.
“Why are you in here?” Jon asked, narrowly avoiding a bucket full of cleaning equipment.
“I like it,” U:zo answered. “It’s cosy and comfortable and nobody shouts at me in here.”
Jon sat down on an industrial sized box of washing powder. “Is Gackt still angry at you?”
“Yes,” U:zo said with a pout. “I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”
Jon leaned back and almost knocked some brooms over. This was going to be difficult. Thanks to too much whiskey and a potted plant, U:zo was already in Gackt’s bad books and the bass player was now far too scared of Gackt to ever vote against him.
“Has he still banned you from drinking?” Jon asked.
“He said he’s going to make me sit next to him at the after show parties until the tour ends,” U:zo whined. “’We can drink water together’, he said.”
“Can you drink in your room?”
“The staff clear out my mini bar before I’m allowed to check in and they search my bag whenever I come back.”
Jon’s shocked expression was lost in the darkness of the cupboard. Gackt was really taking this seriously, but that could be of benefit to him….
“I could sneak in a bottle of whiskey for you,” Jon offered.
“You could?” U:zo asked with obvious joy. “You’d go against Gackt like that for me?”
“Of course!” Jon replied. “You’d just need to do a little something for me, first.”
“Anything!” U:zo exclaimed. “This constant monitoring from Gackt is making me need a drink.”
Jon nodded in understanding. The thought of being constantly monitored and followed by Gackt sent a shiver down his spine. “You just have to agree with me during the band meeting this evening, that’s all.”
U:zo was too busy dreaming of Jack Daniels and coke to question Jon on if he was agreeing with him, then who would he have to disagree with?
Takumi was taking photos of himself in the dressing room.
“Do you want me to take the photo for you?” Jon asked.
Takumi shook his head. “No, I like posting photos I’ve taken myself.”
Jon frowned. He was hoping that offering to be Takumi’s personal photographer so that the guitarist could get some great shots for his blog would be the only bribe he needed to get Takumi on his side.
“Takumi,” Jon said, “there will be a band meeting and vote tonight. I want you to vote for me, and against Gackt.”
Takumi looked at Jon like he’d grown a second head. “Why would I vote against Gaku-aniki?”
“Um, because I’m asking nicely?” Jon said, although even he thought that was a lame answer.
“I don’t want to go against Gaku-aniki,” Takumi said firmly.
Jon thought for a few seconds. Maybe photos were the key after all.... “If you vote for me, then I promise that next time I share a room with Gackt, I’ll take photos of him sleeping and give them to you.”
Takumi’s mouth dropped open. “I’m not an obsessed fangirl! Why would I want those?!”
Jon held up his hands in apology. “I’m sorry, I just thought…”
Takumi interrupted him, his voice getting louder with every word. “That’s a terrible invasion of Gaku-aniki’s privacy! You should be ashamed for even suggesting it!”
“I’m sorry…”
“I can’t believe you said that! I mean…” Takumi paused and then quietly whispered, “just make sure the flash doesn’t wake him up.”
Jon watched in amusement as Takumi flushed red and quickly ran out of the door.
Another Chicken added to Jon’s cause.
Chacha was painting his nails in the green room.
The guitarist interrupted him. “I know what you’re going to say. Shinya has already told me about this vote thing.”
“Oh? Has he?” Jon asked. Was that a good thing, or a bad thing?
“Yes. He didn’t tell me what the vote was about though.”
“That’s because I didn’t tell him,” Jon said.
“Well, I’m not Shinya,” Chacha smiled. “I need to know what I’ll be voting for. Or against.”
Jon took a deep breath. “We’ve decided to take the fanservice further and actually simulate sex on stage. We just can’t decide who should be on top.”
“So you’re putting it to the vote?” Chacha summarised. “Gackt’s idea, right?”
“Yes,” Jon answered. “I think he expects the entire band to vote for him.”
“Hmm, they probably would if it wasn’t for your interventions,” Chacha said, waving his hand in the air as he waited for the nail polish to dry. “As for me, I won’t support Gackt just because he’s Gackt. But, I won’t necessarily vote against him either.”
“You obviously know about my… interventions,” Jon said pointedly, “so, what’s your price?”
Chacha grinned. “You have such pretty hair and nails. Let me make them prettier. Then, you can put the photo in your blog so that everyone can see how pretty you can be!”
Jon pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “You just want to embarrass me, don’t you?”
Chacha laughed. “It’ll be fun and a worthy sacrifice if you want to put Gackt in his place, don’t you think?”
Jon could only agree.
The last member Jon found was You, and he was staring longingly at the catering.
“Still on that diet?” Jon asked.
“Yes,” You replied. “I don’t know why I’m torturing myself.”
“I want to ask you something…” Jon said before being quickly interrupted.
“Chacha warned me that you might,” You grinned. “I’ll vote for you.”
“Wait, what?” Jon asked. “As easily as that? No bribes needed?”
“No bribe,” You agreed.
“You’ll vote against Gackt, your best friend for twenty years, that easily?”
You nodded. “Yep.”
Jon was confused. The rest of the band would all benefit from voting against Gackt, but You wouldn’t. In fact, Gackt was likely to be angrier at You for going against him than he would at anybody else. It didn’t make sense.
“But why? You won’t benefit from voting against Gackt.”
You smiled and sneakily grabbed a snack from the catering table. “I’ll get to see Gackt bent over and humped by another man. That’s reward enough. Just make sure that you give his ass a smack from me. And make it a hard one.”
Gackt couldn’t believe his eyes.
Every member of the band, every one, had voted that Jon should be dominant. From the ever loyal You, to the scared U:zo and the besotted Takumi, they’d all voted against him.
“Maybe we should take it in turns,” Gackt muttered.
“No, no, no,” Jon said with a wild grin on his face. “This was your idea and YFC is a democracy so we have to abide by the group vote. Right?”
Gackt pouted. “I demand a recount.”
Jon looked around at the band members. “I count six votes for me, and one vote for you. Do you want another recount? Just to make sure?”
Gackt glared at the other band members. U:zo looked scared and Takumi smiled apologetically, but the others could barely contain their laughter.
“Oh, come on, G,” Jon said, wrapping a loose arm around Gackt’s shoulders, “it won’t be that bad. I’ll go easy on you, I promise. I know it’s your first time.”
Luckily, Gackt didn’t see the huge grin on You’s face after Jon smacked his ass.