Title - Hair
Author -
unwritten_ideasRating - R (barely)
Word Count - 296
Pairing - Gackt x You
Disclaimer - don’t own squat and if I did, I’d be posting this with pictures
Summary - You is musing on Gackt's hair
Notes - that time of year again, huh?
Gackt was keeping his hair short. Every time it looked to be getting a little longer again, Gackt would eagerly get it trimmed back. It was longer than it had been, but Gackt showed no signs of wanting to grow it back out again. At least not while YFC were still active.
You wasn’t quite sure how he felt about that.
He had loved Gackt’s longer hair.
He had loved how those long strands that framed Gackt’s face would trail along his stomach as Gackt kissed his way lower and lower.
You had loved how silky Gackt’s hair had felt and how easy it was to loose his fingers in it when he was thrusting into Gackt’s eager mouth.
Most of all, You had loved how fragrant Gackt’s hair smelt and how soft it felt against his lips when he buried his face in it as he took Gackt from behind.
But, he also loved Gackt’s short hair.
You loved that having short hair meant that Gackt took less time to get ready in the morning, and could therefore spend more time in bed with him.
He loved that short hair meant that Gackt’s lust filled eyes were no longer hidden by a curtain of hair whenever Gackt was above him and thrusting into him.
Most of all, You loved that whenever he woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the still sleeping Gackt, short hair meant that he could see Gackt’s entire face. He could see every feature and every bit of skin that he loved so much, relaxed and at peace as Gackt dreamed.
As Gackt sat down for his next increasingly frequent hair cut, You smiled. He had loved the long hair, but short hair had its positives too.