Title: Still Sherlock Author: ununpentium Rating: Mature Relationship: Sherlock Holmes / John Watson Wordcount: 1491 (this chapter), 9238 so far Warnings: Alzheimer's Disease Summary: Sherlock Holmes was starting to forget.
Title: Watersports Author: ununpentium Beta:grassle Fandom: BBC Sherlock Rating: PG Wordcount: 632 Relationship: Sherlock Holmes / John Watson Summary: Sherlock and John engage in some watersports. Written forarchea2's not-porn porn fest.
Title: Still Sherlock Author: ununpentium Rating: Mature Wordcount: 843 (this chapter) Relationship: Sherlock Holmes / John Watson Warnings: Angst, Alzheimer's Disease Summary: Sherlock Holmes was starting to forget.
Title: Just John Author: ununpentium Fandom: BBC Sherlock Rating: Teen Pairing: Sherlock Holmes / John Watson Wordcount: 324 Warnings: angst. Post reichenbach.
Title: Granddads Author: ununpentium Rating: General audiences Wordcount: 1140 Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Hamish Watson-Holmes/Bradley James Notes: Not RPF just lazy name borrowing
Title: Willow Ward Author: ununpentium Rating: Teen Wordcount: 358 Pairing: Sherlock/Lestrade (offscreen) Warnings: Psychiatric hospital Summary: A series of conversations between Sherlock and John taking place during Sherlock's stay on a psychiatric ward.
Title: Hell Will Melt Like Snow- chapter three (interlude) Author: ununpentium Beta: grassle Rating: PG-13 Wordcount: 197 words (this chapter) Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson (can be seen as gen for now)