things tat happen when she's not around

Sep 16, 2011 22:26

this afternoon, i was re-introduced to full glory of my work with an amazing bang.  oh, life, real life, u r always so much more fantastical than fiction @_@

on days like this, only k-pop can revive me :D :D :D

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totally my favouritest performance set for the entire show ♥♥♥♥♥♥

paying it forward, recs, wrl, bim-moment xp, one slip and tat's it, songs

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Comments 2

nyw September 16 2011, 19:04:28 UTC
i read that as 'with an amazing beng'.



ununoriginal September 19 2011, 10:50:12 UTC
ROFL~~~ amazing beng!! lolz! tat would have been srsly entertaining :p

yes, tat SO IS onew!! it's a great set throughout :D


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