01. i like your enthusiasm and your curiosity. i think its great how much you enjoy experiencing new things. 02. rushmore, because you always talk about it. we need to have a song though yejin. 03. 3am. because you're an insomniac. plus i like the idea of being able to call you the 3am girl. 04. eclectic 05. i dont know that i have just one. shopping with you? being in love during out IR video? you're just a special person. every moment is special. 06. i dont know... sorry 07. sometimes i wonder if you like everything as much as you say you do. only is certain situations though. you've gottten alot better at being more honest with your likes and dislikes. 08. Put this in your journal.
01. i like that you dont censor your personality. you're pretty awesome. 02. best deceptions. that whole dashboard mix. i love it. 03. sunrise 04. emotional 05. that time, like two years ago?, during i dont know what show, im the old props room, when i was walking through and i saw you lying in the corner of that old shitty couch and i sat down next to you and we talked for a long time. it was just, really nice, to me, really honest and chill. 06. a chocolate lab. 07. ive always wondered if and why you use witty quips and sarcasm as a defense mechanism. i mean besides certain things and people just needing to be pointed out or called out on shit. cause you always seemed cool regardless to me. also, why we didnt really keep in touch, more mutual speculation though. 08. Put this in your journal.
Comments 19
02. rushmore, because you always talk about it. we need to have a song though yejin.
03. 3am. because you're an insomniac. plus i like the idea of being able to call you the 3am girl.
04. eclectic
05. i dont know that i have just one. shopping with you? being in love during out IR video? you're just a special person. every moment is special.
06. i dont know... sorry
07. sometimes i wonder if you like everything as much as you say you do. only is certain situations though. you've gottten alot better at being more honest with your likes and dislikes.
08. Put this in your journal.
02. best deceptions. that whole dashboard mix. i love it.
03. sunrise
04. emotional
05. that time, like two years ago?, during i dont know what show, im the old props room, when i was walking through and i saw you lying in the corner of that old shitty couch and i sat down next to you and we talked for a long time. it was just, really nice, to me, really honest and chill.
06. a chocolate lab.
07. ive always wondered if and why you use witty quips and sarcasm as a defense mechanism. i mean besides certain things and people just needing to be pointed out or called out on shit. cause you always seemed cool regardless to me. also, why we didnt really keep in touch, more mutual speculation though.
08. Put this in your journal.
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