-sputters- How have you not been swarmed with comments yet? This fic was adorable! Especially the yes scene. Ashlee's worried self and Gerard's failboat!brother cameos were awesome. Alicia's freak out and everything all over, this new 'verse, was awesome. I liked the quiet world building you did, instead of punching the reader in the face with all these new ideas. Simmons werewolves! So fucking cool! Gah. I'm keeping an eye out on your journal for any future fic from you. :)
thank you! I was a bit worried about Ashlee, I hope I managed to strike the right combination of badassery and worried older sister (I never got a chance to work it in, but because of how werewolves age she is actually about 15 years older than Alicia) world building is probably my favorite part of writing. I'm pretty sure if I liked it less I would get so much more actually finished :D but as it is I am completely content to just come up with ideas and talk at people about them. and hopefully there will be more from this verse (but set ~now in Chicago) for BBB. I'm pretty terrible about actually writing though.
(might that be a shoebox quote I spy in your icon?)
actually the fic that this is a prequel to (it's not really a sequel so I feel weird calling it that) is actually about crazypants vampire!William Beckett and the whole shitfest he throws Chicago's supernatural scene into when he forces Brendon to turn Spencer :D (I can tell you more later if you'd like, but I'm on lunch break and I have to go back to work)
ty bb <3 I get the whole rl thing. mine's not really busy, but the weather's been making me feel shittier than usual.
Comments 10
and hopefully there will be more from this verse (but set ~now in Chicago) for BBB. I'm pretty terrible about actually writing though.
(might that be a shoebox quote I spy in your icon?)
It was wonderful, sunshine. i'm only sorry it took me so long to read it! (stupid life)
ty bb <3 I get the whole rl thing. mine's not really busy, but the weather's been making me feel shittier than usual.
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